My HP-1 appears to no longer recognize the ac adapter when plugged in.
Heres the scoop: About a month ago the HP stopped receiving anything. The unit powered up and scannned...but suddenly no RF...WX channels nada...noting. Checked the was off.
Sent it to Uniden for repair. Got it back today. It said "J1" replaced whatever that is.
Good News: It now receives fine.
Bad News: I plug in the AC ADAPTER nothing...the HP-1 does not even indicate it has been plugged in. It ran fine on batteries...until they drained. Checked the charging time is fine ( the menu set charging time function).
I replaced with a fresh set of rechargables...again it works fine...but it will not charge OR even recognize that an AC adapter is plugged in.
Bad Ac adapter? I do not want to send this thing back in and be without it until after Xmas.
Any suggestions?
My HP-1 appears to no longer recognize the ac adapter when plugged in.
Heres the scoop: About a month ago the HP stopped receiving anything. The unit powered up and scannned...but suddenly no RF...WX channels nada...noting. Checked the was off.
Sent it to Uniden for repair. Got it back today. It said "J1" replaced whatever that is.
Good News: It now receives fine.
Bad News: I plug in the AC ADAPTER nothing...the HP-1 does not even indicate it has been plugged in. It ran fine on batteries...until they drained. Checked the charging time is fine ( the menu set charging time function).
I replaced with a fresh set of rechargables...again it works fine...but it will not charge OR even recognize that an AC adapter is plugged in.
Bad Ac adapter? I do not want to send this thing back in and be without it until after Xmas.
Any suggestions?