A couple of months back when all this 800 emsa encrypted stuff started hitting our ears i was told that encrypting the main channels was only being done so the public, media, and law enforcement, fire depts wouldnt be able to log the response time. It went in one ear and out the other, well this weekend i was at breakfast with several cops and emt's and THEY brought up the encryption subject and it was being argued about response time VS. hppia after all the mouthy ones hushed a former fire captain said this,, Tulsa fire is not going encrypted and will still dispatch emergency calls which pertain to a person with a medical emergency, life flight isnt going encrypted. So why is emsa?......... So no one will mention response time. I have heard countless times tfd and tpd asking if emsa had been dispatched or for an eta only to be told they have the call. I know of 2 officers and several firemen who have complained about response time.
I believe it now. Maybe I shouldnt??? Who know...
I believe it now. Maybe I shouldnt??? Who know...