Huntington Memorial Hospital - new DMR system ?


Premium Subscriber
Apr 10, 2005
Pasadena, CA
I had occasion to spend some time visiting a patient this week. (6th floor with a room just under the helipad.)

I was trying to listen to security on 461.050R where I have heard them as recently as this past July 2024. Dead silent now.
Challenge accepted.
Found them using my DMR radio. They use Motorola hand-helds so MotoTrbo ?

What's strange is I would expect to see them on multiple DMR channels in a trunking arrangement.
As far as I can tell, this was just a single DMR channel (repeated) only using a single time-slot.

Freq: 452.3625R
CC: 9
Slot: 1
Only talkgroup I found active was 101 - Security.

Looking at the license for this freq (WNCG735), it's licensed for analog and digital. There are a couple of other freqs on the license that are licensed for digital only so I would've thought they would build out the system with multiple channels.
