This post is NOT for you if you plan on scanning anything and everything, but if you only plan to scan local police, fire and medical, a cheap RTL-SDR type dongle may be a better and much cheaper option for you. First, the entire thing is under $50.00, and if you like the waterfall option, it's free unlike the additional $20.00 you have to pony up on Unidens $650.00 radio. Also the RTL-SDR is FAST, I find even when I'm just scanning a few frequencies on the SDS100, I miss the first part of many transmissions, not so with the RTL-SDR. After having both now for an extended period of time, I actually find I use my dongle more and get more use and enjoyment out that cheap little gadget than I do from the SDS-100, but then again I'm not a radio fanatic and mostly scan the police, fire and medical frequencies.