I'm looking to get an ICOM R5 as the only city near me with trunking is Tulsa thats really worth listening to. I don't see the small town i live in going 800 anytime soon. So what is everyones opinion on this little radio?
I'd really like the communities opinion because ive read good things and bad things.
Im also looking into potentionally getting the Alinco DJ-X7T. It doesn't have CTCSS/DCS decode however.
Is this really a necessary feature of conventional listening?
Im mainly interested in my local PD & Fire, and AM Aircraft on occasion.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I'm looking to get an ICOM R5 as the only city near me with trunking is Tulsa thats really worth listening to. I don't see the small town i live in going 800 anytime soon. So what is everyones opinion on this little radio?
I'd really like the communities opinion because ive read good things and bad things.
Im also looking into potentionally getting the Alinco DJ-X7T. It doesn't have CTCSS/DCS decode however.
Is this really a necessary feature of conventional listening?
Im mainly interested in my local PD & Fire, and AM Aircraft on occasion.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!