Nice deal on the rig. I also have a Princeton up and have it configured as a inverted Vee. Excellent performance, worked nice until my son whacked one leg off with the mower last summer. Best advice I can offer is to read, read, read, read and think everything over. There is a wealth of information on the 'net, you started with a excellent site. Welcome to the hobby! Lots of nice folks out there who are more than willing to help out. I would think aside from the obvious space considerations electrical noise would be a issue. I have DX'ed from some unique locations, try a Army barracks sometime. Managed to get a wire up and aside from my CO getting worked up about it I had fun. Had to be extremely careful in other countries as my activities could be interpreted as Intell gathering. Think the neatest place I had was a penthouse (efficiency) apartment overlooking the beach while stationed in Greece. Several neighbors were USAF spooks and refused to believe it was only a hobby. Guess the OD green Icom R70 did not help much. Now the neighbors just gripe, I tell them to You know the words.
Good Signals,