I have an iMac and I’m interested in getting an icom 7300. Is Icom compatible with Mac OS? I’d like to be able to tune and program the 7300 from my iMac
Run Parallels virtual machine on Mac for WIndows stuff if you need. I've been using it for years to run programming for RT, Motorola, Harris, Icom, Kenwood, etc.
I have an iMac and I’m interested in getting an icom 7300. Is Icom compatible with Mac OS? I’d like to be able to tune and program the 7300 from my iMac
Most modern ICOM radios with a USB port show up in macOS as three devices:
a standard USB audio device made by TI
2 USB to UART controllers made by Silicon Laboratories
The USB audio device shows up in macOS and is ready to use as soon as you plug it in. Software like wsjtx and fldigi should decode right out of the box, just choose the USB audio device in their configuration.
The USB to UART controllers do not have drivers in macOS, but you can download them from the manufacturer. Once you install the drivers there will be a new USB serial device that works like a normal CI-V interface. Software like wsjtx can tune the radio.