I have both the R30 and two R8600's.
They all do very well scanning just the P25 voice channels but... they are still susceptible to LSM just like the older P25 scanners.
If you are in a really bad LSM area, the Icom's may have issues as they are not designed to handle LSM like and SDS model scanner or real subscriber radio. They do seem to handle LSM better than most older scanners though so I'll give them credit for that.
@ArloG "kicking" is slang for 'kicking butt' or working very good etc. However you wish to translate it is up to you but it's nowhere near 'scanner slang' exclusively!
One thing to try with P25 that I don't think was mentioned is changing the P25 mode filter setting to 2. I think it defaults to 3 but sometimes a little wider filter of 2 does work better for some P25 signals.
The other is the R30 or R8600's cannot decode any P25 Phase II TDMA voice channels. As long as your voice channel is running in Phase I mode though, they should decode it as long as your not in a horrible area full of LSM plus have decent P25 Phase I signal levels.