Icom R7100 Service/Repair? Diagnostics?

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Jan 10, 2007
I have a used R7100 that I picked up a few months ago & am just now getting to put it thru it's paces.
I am not sure if this receiver is in top shape now that I have tried tuning a few freqs.
It doesn't appear to be very sensitive & I am wondering if it has a problem.

Granted I haven't had an external antenna connected, but recently I connected a new AOR DS3000a, and put it out on my back patio, still am not picking up much of anything, while my handheld Uniden 396T & Kenwood F6a are picking up some stuff with stubby antennas.

Also, it seems to always be "off" center on every freq.
i.e., if I set a known freq, say a nearby 70cm repeater at 444.xxxx, it will indicated I am off with the little ">" right arrow, I find I usually have to tune about 5khz+ to the right for each freq. If I turn on the AFC, it will go even further.

Is there anything I can do, without a radio shop full of test equipment, to check if it's working normally?

Or, can anyone recommend a good reliable tech/repair service shop in the US that knows the 7100? (should I just contact Icom?)

My gut tells me this puppy might need a tune up to be brought up to top shape.
I've never owned an R7100 before & don't have my discone on the roof yet, so am just not sure if it's my temporary setup or if the receiver is deaf.
What do you guys think?


Nov 15, 2006
Denver, CO
Probably just needs a tuneup and alignment. There are several repair services reviewed on eham, including Icom's own repair service.

Nice, nice radio and if I recall it was in the 90's when Icom went to DDS from PLL for their radios, so the frequency synth/adjustment is more complex than just tweaking a PLL trimmer or two.

It should be picking up a cow's fart from across town, super hot rig. I bet you'll be tickled with it after an align/tune.

Also, on the center tune control, sometimes those are off, and they're a little easier to tweak. Does the signal sound 'right' when you're tuned on frequency, or does it sound better when you tune off frequency to keep the meter centered? If it sounds fine on freq, your meter is off. If it sounds fine after you retune, your synth is off and it needs an alignment to be back on frequency.


Jan 10, 2007
Hey thanks for the help fella's.

This baby is going to get shipped out to the Icom service dept. tomorrow!
Seems like they got a good rep with you guys.
May as well get the whole thing looked & be sure it's working at %100.



Premium Subscriber
Jul 30, 2001
Putnam County, NY
When I first bought my R7100, it exhibited the same symptoms yours is showing. Sent it to Icom, cost me a little over a hundred bucks, and I got it back within a week and a half, aligned and repaired. Icom service is cool!
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