Just happened to catch a radio check on DHS Net 1 (165.2375). Apparently the forest fire we have here in central AZ has caused a powered outage at the Towers Mtn comm site. Radio tech 'Charlie 2006' was checking the radios with 'Charlie 2000', but couldn’t get a reply. 'Charlie 100' answered and after giving the loud and clear, stated that "I don’t know what they're doing in the back room" apparently referring to 'Charlie 2000'.
Just after that 'USDA Enforcement 2460" called Sector (probably Tucson) requesting vehicle and subject info as in a traffic stop.
First time I was able to ID another Fed agency on Net 1.
Just after that 'USDA Enforcement 2460" called Sector (probably Tucson) requesting vehicle and subject info as in a traffic stop.
First time I was able to ID another Fed agency on Net 1.