R6 Initial impressions of Icom R6

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Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Rensselaer County New York
Bottom line: this is a slick little analog-only broadband receiver/scanner that acquits itself quite well, but you really, really need software and a cable to program it. Based on the first week of experience, I like it!

The R6 is tiny, smaller even than my Yaesu VX-6R (which itself is really small). There are just four functional buttons on its face (besides the ON button and volume buttons) and two on the side. Theoretically, I guess you could program it by hand, but that looks like the road to madness to me.

I purchased the RT Systems cable and software for the R6, and they work very well. I was disappointed, however, to find there is no CD in the package (just a verification code) and the software must be downloaded.

Once programmed, the R6 appears to scan at the same speed as the Uniden 125AT. I mounted Diamond 77 antennas on the R6 and 125AT and did a “bakeoff” using the same set of aviation frequencies in both scanners. They appeared to be equal in performance, except very occasionally the R6 would pick up a frequency when the 125AT did not. Sometimes the 125 picked up a frequency when the R6 did not, but less often than the R6. Conclusion: the R6 may have a very slight edge in sensitivity, but you will get a much larger improvement in performance if you go to a higher performance antenna, like the off-center fed dipole. Homebrewed Off-Center Fed Dipole - The RadioReference Wiki

The R6 has a search-and-store capability, but I have not been able to get to function to my satisfaction. If anyone has some insight, I would be glad to hear it.

More later.
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Premium Subscriber
Mar 21, 2008
Just got one a week ago. Biggest problem is that the cable for Windows 10 will not work on Windows 11 due to MS incompatibility of the USB chip version. I also have a 125AT, and the menu system is much simpler on the 125. I expected this as I have an IC-R30. Looking forward to giving it a real work out at Thunder Over Michigan air show.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Rensselaer County New York
Just got one a week ago. Biggest problem is that the cable for Windows 10 will not work on Windows 11 due to MS incompatibility of the USB chip version. I also have a 125AT, and the menu system is much simpler on the 125. I expected this as I have an IC-R30. Looking forward to giving it a real work out at Thunder Over Michigan air show.

I look forward to hearing more about your experience with the R6.


Active Member
Premium Subscriber
Jan 30, 2008
Belle Vernon, PA
For the money I would expect a better display, more alpa characters, a keypad and the ability to upgrade to digital formats. I've looked at this unit and just can't bring myself to pull the trigger.


Premium Subscriber
Mar 21, 2008
Icom is not likely to add any digital formats. Even their recently retired flagship, the IC-R30, did not offer much. Many users complain about DMR being unavailable, but Icom developed and supports D-Star and does not offer most other formats on any radio. I have several Icom ham radios going back to the 90's and they all work well.


Oct 22, 2005
Icom is not likely to add any digital formats. Even their recently retired flagship, the IC-R30, did not offer much. Many users complain about DMR being unavailable, but Icom developed and supports D-Star and does not offer most other formats on any radio. I have several Icom ham radios going back to the 90's and they all work well.

Ditto here; IC-R2, IC-R3, IC-R5, IC-R6, IC-R20 and the IC-R30.

The IC-R2 was/is a great little wideband receiver and its IC-R5/6 iterations only improved on it.


Mostly Scanner Listener, AM and SWL
Dec 19, 2002
Holly Springs, NC
I recently sold my Yaesu VX-3R that I used for monitoring. I owned an R2 and R5, and I'm pleased with the improvements made in scanning speed an scan linking that I can do with the R6.

If Icom were to update the R6, I'd probably buy it.


Oct 22, 2005
I recently sold my Yaesu VX-3R that I used for monitoring. I owned an R2 and R5, and I'm pleased with the improvements made in scanning speed an scan linking that I can do with the R6.

If Icom were to update the R6, I'd probably buy it.

Couldn't bear to part with my VX-3R, or VX-2R or VX-R1 (the VX-R1's power adaptor is about 3 X the size of that little marvel!😁).


Premium Subscriber
Jun 5, 2004
Great little write-up! (y) Had the R2, R5, R6, and R20. Between them all, the R6 is the one that has stuck around. (Briefly parted with it, then realized my mistake.) The runtime on a couple of Eneloops is awesome and it makes a great travel companion, too. Totally agree -- programming software is definitely a must to get the most out of the radio.

Sure hope Icom makes a successor!


Aug 31, 2005
There's an old thread I posted on the R6 a couple of years ago. My conclusions on the R6 have only been reinforced over the passing of time. At our rural analog location it's still the hottest handheld, that's why we have three of them. I use the R30 if I have to fumble with my fingers or if an Aftershokz headset required for situational awareness.

It's interesting that the VX-3R popped up. It's between the R6 and the R30 in performance, my wife's favorite. It also has the best MW reception of the three. Very handy for walking the dog in dual VFO mode.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Rensselaer County New York
There's an old thread I posted on the R6 a couple of years ago. My conclusions on the R6 have only been reinforced over the passing of time. At our rural analog location it's still the hottest handheld, that's why we have three of them. I use the R30 if I have to fumble with my fingers or if an Aftershokz headset required for situational awareness.

It's interesting that the VX-3R popped up. It's between the R6 and the R30 in performance, my wife's favorite. It also has the best MW reception of the three. Very handy for walking the dog in dual VFO mode.

Are there any tips or tricks you can suggest in using the R6? I'm very interesting in the search-and-store function, but all suggestions are welcome.


Mostly Scanner Listener, AM and SWL
Dec 19, 2002
Holly Springs, NC
(Sorry for the long post…)

I don’t use the R6 for search and store, but I like having some of my notes in the phone’s notepad app for my R6. Others say that you can keep a PDF of the manual on your phone, but I find my own notes easier to follow.

Here’s what I have:

VFO Scan Edges
  • Get into VFO mode
  • Press & hold Mode button
  • Select Program Link (PL) list or
  • Select from scan edge list (Pnn)
  • Press Mode button again
VFO Skip Frequencies
  • Before scanning VFO
    • Func + V/M to turn on PSKIP (not SKIP)
  • While scanning VFO
    • Press Func + V/M and hold to add skip frequency
    • This adds the skip freq to 1299 and lower
Clearing VFO Skip Frequencies
  • Skip frequencies must be cleared individually
  • Go to memory mode by clicking V/M
    • Rotate dial to select skip memory 1299 and lower
    • Press Func + V/M for 1 second
Memory Skip Channel
  • While displaying the memory channel
    • Func + V/M and select SKIP
These are set for all of VFO or set for individual memories:
  • AF Filter - Suppress tones
  • VSC Setting (On, Off) - Voice squelch control
    • Checks for voice
Edit Memory to save settings
  • Change settings you want
  • Memory --> Memory Copy
    • Push V/M for one second
    • MR and memory channel will blink
    • Hold V/M for one second to write
Memory Bank Linking
  • VFO mode
  • TS to get to settings
  • B-LINK
  • Press MODE
  • Scroll through banks
  • Select Func + Dial to select ON / OFF
  • Press TS twice to exit
Memory Banks
  • A - Holly Springs Hams
  • B - Wake County FD PD
  • C - RDU
  • D - Business
  • E - Marine
  • F - FRS GMRS
  • G - Air
  • H - Interoperability
  • I - Railroad 1
  • J - Railroad 2
  • H - Military Air
  • O - Smokey Mtn Railroad
  • P - Bryson City
  • Q - Ohio Ham
  • R - BUTLER
  • s - (there is no S)
  • T - BUTLR2
  • u - (does not work in programming)
  • W - Southport
  • Y - WX


Active Member
Jun 1, 2020
Rensselaer County New York
(Sorry for the long post…)

I don’t use the R6 for search and store, but I like having some of my notes in the phone’s notepad app for my R6. Others say that you can keep a PDF of the manual on your phone, but I find my own notes easier to follow.

Here’s what I have:

VFO Scan Edges
  • Get into VFO mode
  • Press & hold Mode button
  • Select Program Link (PL) list or
  • Select from scan edge list (Pnn)
  • Press Mode button again
VFO Skip Frequencies
  • Before scanning VFO
    • Func + V/M to turn on PSKIP (not SKIP)
  • While scanning VFO
    • Press Func + V/M and hold to add skip frequency
    • This adds the skip freq to 1299 and lower
Clearing VFO Skip Frequencies
  • Skip frequencies must be cleared individually
  • Go to memory mode by clicking V/M
    • Rotate dial to select skip memory 1299 and lower
    • Press Func + V/M for 1 second
Memory Skip Channel
  • While displaying the memory channel
    • Func + V/M and select SKIP
These are set for all of VFO or set for individual memories:
  • AF Filter - Suppress tones
  • VSC Setting (On, Off) - Voice squelch control
    • Checks for voice
Edit Memory to save settings
  • Change settings you want
  • Memory --> Memory Copy
    • Push V/M for one second
    • MR and memory channel will blink
    • Hold V/M for one second to write
Memory Bank Linking
  • VFO mode
  • TS to get to settings
  • B-LINK
  • Press MODE
  • Scroll through banks
  • Select Func + Dial to select ON / OFF
  • Press TS twice to exit
Memory Banks
  • A - Holly Springs Hams
  • B - Wake County FD PD
  • C - RDU
  • D - Business
  • E - Marine
  • F - FRS GMRS
  • G - Air
  • H - Interoperability
  • I - Railroad 1
  • J - Railroad 2
  • H - Military Air
  • O - Smokey Mtn Railroad
  • P - Bryson City
  • Q - Ohio Ham
  • R - BUTLER
  • s - (there is no S)
  • T - BUTLR2
  • u - (does not work in programming)
  • W - Southport
  • Y - WX

Wow, I just grabbed this, saved it, and printed it . . . very useful.



Jul 2, 2012
I have the auto write setup and working. Run a band or band edge scan, hit the V/M key and it will auto write anything found to the AW bank.


Authorized Personnel
Dec 6, 2016
I've had an R6 for a couple of years, and I agree that it's a great receiver. I recently bought a BC125AT - and I have the impression that the scanner is faster at scanning frequencies than the R6, but I could be mistaken. I'll compare the two again.
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