Found another interesting article. It seems M/A Comm tried to
give their radios away, and an agency with moto radios wouldn't take it. I wonder if OKC could have waited out and gotten a bunch of stuff for free!?!?
Story copied from
Director rejects radio donation
County official balks at 'big gift'
By Jack Mazurak
An offer to connect Jackson's and Hinds County's emergency radio systems with donated equipment was rejected by the county's emergency management director.
M/A Com, the company that makes the city's radio system, offered on Wednesday to give the county equipment to improve communications between emergency response agencies in the city and county.
But Hinds County Emergency Management Director Larry Fisher said he wouldn't accept the gift because the city's system is outdated.
M/A Com radios can not directly connect with the Motorola radios used by Hinds County and most surrounding agencies. The county and city have squabbled for years about whose system should be used and how to pay for upgrades.
But Alan Moore, an attorney for M/A Com, offered two cost-free possibilities to Jackson Mayor Frank Melton and Ward 1 City Councilman Ben Allen.
The first was to outfit Hinds County law enforcement personnel with M/A Com radios. The second was to install M/A Com's Internet-based software program on county dispatch computers to allow different agencies to talk directly to each other.
"The first proposal is very simple. You'd have two radios, not one, but you could talk. (M/A Com) could have the first shipment of radios in by the end of the week. For the second, it would require some more in-depth cooperation at the ground level," he said.
Fisher questioned the company's tactics. "That's a $1.5 (million) or $2 million gift. I'll take a coffee cup from somebody, but I'm not going to let somebody give me a gift that big," he said.
Hinds County Board of Supervisors President Doug Anderson said it's a good gesture. "That's a very honorable gift for the county but it won't at all change my recommendation to the wireless commission," he said. "We are recommending a Motorola system (for Jackson) and the Wireless Commission."
M/A Com's offer comes a week after the Hinds County Board of Supervisors voted to spend about $8.5 million to provide Motorola radios to Jackson Police and Fire departments. The system could be operational in a year.
The city administration had initially supported the purchase but Melton changed his mind because the state intends to build a statewide system.
The statewide system, being built by the Mississippi Wireless Communication Commission, will allow all cities and agencies to buy in, sign on and talk to each other. The system could reach Jackson in two to three years. The commission also plans to begin soliciting bids at its March meeting for the estimated $250 million statewide system - a massive contract either M/A Com or Motorola are likely to land.
Moore said the offer to the county does not in any way affect the state bidding process. And, because it is essentially a gift, the state wouldn't have to sign off on the transaction.
State commissioners plan to vote in March on whether to accept Hinds County's $8.5 million purchase plan. But Hinds County Supervisors, after Melton's change of mind, are considering a re-vote next week on the purchase plan, possibly opting to shelve it until the state awards a bid.
M/A Com's offer to the county could cut the Jackson-Hinds County issue short, but wouldn't allow Jackson to talk with surrounding cities.
Fisher said if Hinds County accepted the offer, it would in effect replace the county's Motorola system.
"I don't know of a company big enough to give that kind of gift without strings attached. It could be a way of Jackson locking in a system," Fisher said.
--end copy.