Thoughts on GMRS for you guys down in the city. Just wondering if company's that use GMRS have trouble considering all the GMRS equipment being sold at local stores like Walmart. I know they do not TX on the repeater input freq's but they still have to have a ton of people bugging them on those things, anyone ever listen in? Same with MURS I would think, In Enid there is so much business use, they step all over each other, but don't know it because they all have a different PL. They are constantly repeating them selfs because the business right next to them is on the same frequency, there seems to be no shortage of people unwilling to pay for a license. I know some of the hams also get into GMRS, I don't, and do not have a license, but don't kids with the Walmart radios consistently bug you? Just a thought that came to mind, I figure some people in a larger city would have some insight into this.