OceanaRadio said:
I was trying to be specific in describing why Colorado will not hear marine communications, the operative word communications meaning both sides, not just a shore station. There is no point in encouraging someone to look for something that won't be there for them, and copying vessel traffic is just about out of the question for him. Yes anyone can hear a shore station that is using high power on an omni antenna, but I suspect there is not clear copy of WeFax to be had in Colorado except in rare conditions.
If you cover HF-DSC-GMDSS you will see various commecrial companies send DSC-messaging requesting their sister ships to come up on specific HF frequencies, almost always simplex. But unless you were watching that closely you would never find them among the hundreds of marine channels they have to choose from (simplex and duplex).
And unless you were close to the coast, you wouild not likely hear them on 2-4 Mhz that they often choose for company business.
I don't agree, Jack. While I agree that in Colorado it would be a good bit more difficult, it's still possible. If a ham with a good outdoor antenna can pick up someone on 75m running 100 watts, then it's just as likely that at least some ships will be heard, propagation permitting. A lot of the larger commercial vessels are, I'm sure, running a good bit more than that. Yes, it will be tougher - I never said it would be easy.
WeFAX? Again, propagation permitting, I'd say that would be possible - probably from the Pacific rim more than the East, I would think. For example, I see occasional reports of Tokyo Meteo from folks in the Plains states on the UDXF, so it is possible. Easy, no. Possible yes.
73s Mike
[edit] To bolster my position, here's a few logs from the UDXF - some coastal stations (which you rightly point out will be easier to hear) and ships - from a gent in Colorado and in Kansas (proving, without any doubt, that it can be done, even if you don't live near a coastline)...
4125.0Khz usb CAMSTA KODIAK with pan-pan of a overdue 22ft sciff (possibly
overturned in high seas) listing names of three people aboard 04:23:23UTC
(2006-11-29) (Vambo in Colorado, USA on ZIRC#wunclub)
6224.0Khz usb Taupo Maritime Radio w/local forcast just ending 07:15:07UTC
(2006-11-29) (Vambo in Colorado, USA on ZIRC#wunclub)
6949.0Khz usb unid fishing vessels 07:15:13UTC (2006-11-29) (N2UHC in Frontenac
KS, USA on ZIRC#wunclub)
6224.0Khz usb boat CHRISTIANA calling Taupo Maritime Radio w/no answer
07:15:52UTC (2006-11-29) (Vambo in Colorado, USA on ZIRC#wunclub)
4369.0Khz usb WLO w/ automated voice giving WX 05:13:06UTC (2006-10-07) (N2UHC
in Frontenac KS, USA on ZIRC#wunclub)
4146.0Khz usb WDB55790 w/unIDed talking about fishing and supplies 06:11:56UTC
(2006-10-07) (Vambo in Colorado, USA on ZIRC#wunclub)