Is there a website that explains how the newer cellular communications modulations work?


Premium Subscriber
Feb 4, 2012
Hi all. I have a question about the modulation schemes used by cellular communications systems. I am NOT asking about any interest in attempting to listen in on any of these communications.

I have been buying test equipment at different times that has been obsolete due to newer communications protocols. They usually have built in signal generators and spectrum analyzers that cover from the low 100KHz to 1GHz. A unit designed just for 2-way radio equipment would normally be terribly expensive to have it with all of these capabilities.

Even though I do not work on cellular equipment, I have always been interested in the protocols and how the systems communicate. I learned how the earlier CDMA and TDMA systems used to work. There used to be explanations on how the digitized voice data was parsed into the data streams of these systems. I had worked on some equipment using QAM modulation and how the data was interleaved in what looks like massively confusing bursts and how they are transferred to the far end (called party). I have not been able to find descriptions and visual interpretations of the newer modulation schemes.

If anyone has any references, I would be very interested.

Thanks to all.
