Is this expected, or is it skip?

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Jul 2, 2011
Starke, FL
Wirelessly posted (BB8350i: Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/4.2.20663/25.677; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

Hi guys, I recently got one bank of 50 public safety channels programmed in my Icom IC-R3, and its been fun. But tonight, I picked up something rather unusual. I live in Keystone Hts, FL which is between Jax and Gainesville. Well, I have most the surrounding counties programmed in but on 153.995MHz, which would be Putnam Fire here, I've been getting Polk County Fire Dispatch which is situated some 150 miles south of me roughly. Is this expected for this frequency, or did I just experience skip? If it's somewhat normal, then what the heck, I'll make another bank of channels for a few places farther away :) Thanks for your time!



Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Oct 12, 2007
The Appalachians - Next to the tent and campfire.
I would say that it is expected. Atmsopheric conditions, and weather events ; sometimes allow you to pick up radio freqs ,bands ; at great distances without radio signals bouncing off of the ionosphere.

I would advise you entering radio PL's to prevent hearing other agencys that you do not want to listen to, whom share frequencys.

Florida Scanner Frequencies and Radio Frequency Reference

A good P25 capable - portable scanner , that receives VHF low and high band , UHF , 800 mhz and military band ( 225-400 mhz ) would probably do you some good.

Research prices and portable scanners. I belive it would be of a great interest to you.

Take a bank for your scanner and program essential freqs = local Fire/EMS / Law Enforcement , weather , Red Cross, RACES , Local Ham freqs ;..ect..ect. Leave that bank alone and seperate from other scan banks. If you need it , you just turn it on.

You living in Florida and having the natural disasters that you have ( hurricanes ) , a good portable scanner and extra batterys / vehicle plug , would probably benefit you. A " Bug out bag" , vehicle , portable scanner with extra batterys would probably be a huge asset.

Example of a " Bug out bag " = A medium backpack with a portable scanner and extra batterys and / or a car plug - a change of clothes ; or two + extra underclothes - flashlight ( I prefer Sure Fire LED flashlights : E1 LED ) & extra batterys - water / gatorade - toiletry items - a small first aid kit with over the counter meds / bandages / bandaids - and about two days worth the food & energy bars ( thats not three meals a day and a snack before midnight ) - Extra cash ( Ex = gasoline for vehicle + other items ) retrieved from safe / drawer in your house can be grabbed on the way out. Modify your bag as seasons change ( example = light weight rain jacket / sweater / coat on top of bag ready to go)

Keep a pair of comfortable shoes ( hiking / trail shoes ) on top of your " Bug Out Bag " ; with a good boonie cap ( shields well from sun + protects you partially from inclement weather / rain ).

Hope this helped - - - - > FF - Medic !!!
Jul 2, 2011
Starke, FL
Wirelessly posted (BB8350i: Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/4.2.20663/25.685; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

Hi FF-Medic, and thank you for the reply! Also thanks for the recommendations for the bugout bag. I've really never thought of doing that. I have always had a scanner of some sort on duty over the years when we have had bad storms pass through. I've always had basic blah scanners over the years and my newly aquired Icom R3 is the chiz to me, but I do acknowledge that it's old and not digital capable like I would like. That said, I'm no newbie to electronics and such, BUT what would you recommend for a good P25 capable portable that still has good coverage, like say 0 to at least 1300MHz, and still cheap(ish)? Lol I will probably get on eBay later and do some window shopping.

As for the long Dx VHF I experienced, I will set my normal Putnam Fire channel to their code, but might also make a bank for far-away places so when DX runs again, I can listen. Too bad I can't get it all the time like that. Anyhow, thanks again! :)


Completely Banned for the Greater Good
Oct 12, 2007
The Appalachians - Next to the tent and campfire.
Uniden BCD396T Bearcat Handheld Digital Scanner

Various prices. I do not think a scanner with those capabilitys is cheap , for all the " bells and whistles" you get. Signal stalker / close call - 27 - 1300 mhz , plus trunking capability..ect..ect.

In most cases with communications = You get what you pay for.

The $99.00 dollar handscanners with VHF low and HIgh - UHF to 510 mhz are long , long , long ago.

I belive a "GOOD" scanner to be a good investment. Especially in times of an emergency and natural disaster.

:) ;) Don't forget the "bugout bag". I have a handgun and two boxes of ammo with mine ( LMAO ).

From the Appalchians..................... FF- Medic !!!


Mar 15, 2004
hey, in Fla do not forget the bug juice in the bug-out bag!
all good advice...
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