TRS Tips! On a system that has less than 4 CC's listed, always keep checking to see if the CC rotates to an alternate as MOST TRS's have up to 4 possible CC's that can be rotated to for various reasons. Some systems never rotate to any unless there is an problem and they need to make a change to fix that issue. Others rotate weekly, others daily, and a very few every 12 hours or so. This is an essential thig for anyone using CC ONly to track an system. If you do not have at least 2 CC's known I would highly advise against CC only modes. For the longest time as an example, the City of Hot Springs, AR TRS had only 3 CC's known. When I moved here .. I was using CC only and one night.. NADA.. SO I did a lil test. I programmed in all the freqs and manually went through them. BINGO! Found that fourth CC! I now know they rotate all 4, but use 3 mainly and every now and again flop to that 4th.