Beautiful landing! Amazing how he managed to maintain the centerline the whole way, although the pilot was disappointed that he was "six inches off" on landing, hehe. That nose gear sure is strong.
On the A320, the nose gear rotates 90 degrees before retracting. From what I understand, the gear didn't rotate the full 90, so it wouldn't retract. The pilot flew by the tower and it was visually confirmed for him.
Gee... it takes an in-flight emergency to be able to buzz the tower in a A320? :lol:
All in all though... he made an absolutely perfect landing and should be given a medal!
I don't know what A320 you're looking at. Any A320 that has come off the line in Toulouse has had a nose wheel that is straightened to be aligned with the longitudinal axis of the aircraft (read tail to nose) as it is retracted and is tucked in the wheel well as such. If it was turned 90°, then the assembly would not fit into the wheel well, hence the reason why the gear was unable to retract. The aircraft computers would not allow a retraction since a fault was detected.