JNCR System 001-0606

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Jan 5, 2004
I'll will have to hang out in Tyson's this weekend with my laptop. I can pick up a lot of these 380mhz systems in the area of the radio tower at Rt123 and Rt7.
Today I found 001-0606 with a cc of 385.0875.

Also within range were 00D, 008-0101, 17A, 14C, 002-0101 and several sites of the 001-0X0X system. I didn't have much time to mess around and take good notes.


Database Admin
Dec 18, 2002
Houston, Texas
For what it's worth, I'm getting 580A0-001-0606 on 387.475 with 0/5-1/5 strength on the BCD396T from Rockville/Gaithersburg area.




I could use an in-person tutorial on the FED systems and names, etc.

Also, do you have Trunker or ProComm - I would like to see how that works too?

Maybe some other folks in the area would be intersted too???



Aug 25, 2004
Berkeley Co. WV/ Loudoun Co. VA
lemish said:

I could use an in-person tutorial on the FED systems and names, etc.

Also, do you have Trunker or ProComm - I would like to see how that works too?

Maybe some other folks in the area would be intersted too???


I've thought about it but I didn't want to seem "weird".


mike_s104 said:
I've thought about it but I didn't want to seem "weird".

Some larger cities have groups that hold get togethers just for this sort of thing.

I really appreciated seeing a 396T before I bought mine.

I would like a hands on demo of the decoding capabilities out there.

Anyone willing to host something at a local restauran, firehouse, etc?


Jan 5, 2004
Never used Trunker or ProComm.
What do you want to know about federal systems? There's really nothing to them.
I'd probably up for a local get-together.


Aug 25, 2004
Berkeley Co. WV/ Loudoun Co. VA
lemish said:

I could use an in-person tutorial on the FED systems and names, etc.

Also, do you have Trunker or ProComm - I would like to see how that works too?

Maybe some other folks in the area would be intersted too???


you'd create them just like any other trunked system...CC and groups with TGs.
if you visit freghopping site in his signature, he has the files you can load onto your scanner.


I understand loading them in is the same, etc.

Looking for insight on names of systems, numbering, etc. and how to know what I would be listening to on each syatem.

For example, evey number description in his original post is greek to me...
"...00D, 008-0101, 17A, 14C, 002-0101 and several sites of the 001-0X0X"

Also, what I mean by tutorial is say I know what I want to listen to, just not sure how to find it. I want to listen to the PFPA Police Department how do I know what system they are on, etc?

Another example is for his listing of 14C-0404 USMC Independent Hill, VA site - how do I find out what that really is monitoring other than just calling it the Independent Hill, VA site?

My only other option is to download all the systems on his homepage and start listening to things I dont want to hear.


Jan 5, 2004
lemish said:
I understand loading them in is the same, etc.

Looking for insight on names of systems, numbering, etc. and how to know what I would be listening to on each syatem.

For example, evey number description in his original post is greek to me...
"...00D, 008-0101, 17A, 14C, 002-0101 and several sites of the 001-0X0X"

Also, what I mean by tutorial is say I know what I want to listen to, just not sure how to find it. I want to listen to the PFPA Police Department how do I know what system they are on, etc?

Another example is for his listing of 14C-0404 USMC Independent Hill, VA site - how do I find out what that really is monitoring other than just calling it the Independent Hill, VA site?

My only other option is to download all the systems on his homepage and start listening to things I dont want to hear.

The numbers are the system IDs. They don't mean anything that I know off. The WACN does, the 580A0 somehow decodes to mean JNCR and 1BC58 decodes to mean DOD. That's the only way to differentiate between the sites with identical IDs such as 001-0202. Knowing the WACN makes a big difference. A lot of the data submitted to the DB needed changing because someone likely didn't have the ability to decode the WACN at the time. For me that was a big thing with the 396 update.

Basically where the site is located is the comms you will hear. Technically any talkgroup could come up on any of the sites. But generally only on the one closest to the user. A matter of the radio associating to the site, like STARS.

I've never heard anything on the USMC Independent Hill site. I don't know if it's fully active or what. I'm pretty sure they've done some training up that way so I figure there would've been some comms going through that tower.

This pretty much applies to all these new 380mhz systems. They also have IP connectivity and I think that is how/why some talkgroups will show up on distant sites. I mean I really doubt the guy on the Site-R TG is anywhere near Tysons Corner when I hear him through that site.

I think this may be the case with someone logging what was probably the Ft Belvoir FD TG on the NY Ft Hamilton site.

In my spreadsheet I associate every talkgroup logged with the specific site it was heard on unlike the RRDB which lumps all into the network of sites.

Listening, well trying anyways, to the DOD sites is pretty much pointless. 99% encrypted from what I've gathered.

I'm curious as to which systems you can receive from home. Generally I have 008, 00D, 010-0303 and 14C-0404 really strong which is no surprise since they are the closest. Others very greatly, 001-0101, 14C-0401, 006, 001-1010 and 001-0202 JNCR. Sometimes 5bars, other times barely one. During the summer is always better. And when conditions were perfect I could receive Pax River NAS 001-0404 and everything in between.


Aug 25, 2004
Berkeley Co. WV/ Loudoun Co. VA
freqhopping said:
The numbers are the system IDs. They don't mean anything that I know off. The WACN does, the 580A0 somehow decodes to mean JNCR and 1BC58 decodes to mean DOD. That's the only way to differentiate between the sites with identical IDs such as 001-0202. Knowing the WACN makes a big difference. A lot of the data submitted to the DB needed changing because someone likely didn't have the ability to decode the WACN at the time. For me that was a big thing with the 396 update.

Basically where the site is located is the comms you will hear. Technically any talkgroup could come up on any of the sites. But generally only on the one closest to the user. A matter of the radio associating to the site, like STARS.

I've never heard anything on the USMC Independent Hill site. I don't know if it's fully active or what. I'm pretty sure they've done some training up that way so I figure there would've been some comms going through that tower.

This pretty much applies to all these new 380mhz systems. They also have IP connectivity and I think that is how/why some talkgroups will show up on distant sites. I mean I really doubt the guy on the Site-R TG is anywhere near Tysons Corner when I hear him through that site.

I think this may be the case with someone logging what was probably the Ft Belvoir FD TG on the NY Ft Hamilton site.

In my spreadsheet I associate every talkgroup logged with the specific site it was heard on unlike the RRDB which lumps all into the network of sites.

Listening, well trying anyways, to the DOD sites is pretty much pointless. 99% encrypted from what I've gathered.

I'm curious as to which systems you can receive from home. Generally I have 008, 00D, 010-0303 and 14C-0404 really strong which is no surprise since they are the closest. Others very greatly, 001-0101, 14C-0401, 006, 001-1010 and 001-0202 JNCR. Sometimes 5bars, other times barely one. During the summer is always better. And when conditions were perfect I could receive Pax River NAS 001-0404 and everything in between.

to get the WACN, hold on a CC that you can receive (will not work while doing a search) and press FUNC. the display will show WACN: then whatever it decodes.

we find the CCs by doing a custom search (I do from 380MHz to 390MHz) with the C-Ch set to on and data skip to off. when you get a CC, it will display the ID like 001-0101.

its only been in the last year or so that we've really started seeing them. I used to be able to receive about 2 systems at home, but now only one.

being linked to other (and sometimes distant sites) would explain the "LA Utility" site (lemish, it actually decodes as that). it would also explain seeing and hear the same TG showing up on multiple systems.

you'll want to go back and find all of the posts in VA, MD, WV and surrounding as well as other states like WA and CA.

I cannot remember if freqhopping posted it or if I found it somewhere on my own... a order from someone in DoD for an OC3, T3, or some other type of WAN installed from an office/building in Leesburg to SiteR to Mt Weather to another Site? in Tyson's Corner which would appear to be WAN for data (IP or other technology). God only knows what they are building.

there are a lot of "interesting" locations around this area (like mentioned above...SiteR in PA, Mt. Weather in Clarke Co. VA, DC and so on). on Mt. Weather you can receive a lot of these sites with a good signal strength.

it took me a while and some help from freqhopping to get started.


mike_s104 said:
to get the WACN, hold on a CC that you can receive (will not work while doing a search) and press FUNC. the display will show WACN: then whatever it decodes.

we find the CCs by doing a custom search (I do from 380MHz to 390MHz) with the C-Ch set to on and data skip to off. when you get a CC, it will display the ID like 001-0101.

its only been in the last year or so that we've really started seeing them. I used to be able to receive about 2 systems at home, but now only one.

being linked to other (and sometimes distant sites) would explain the "LA Utility" site (lemish, it actually decodes as that). it would also explain seeing and hear the same TG showing up on multiple systems.

you'll want to go back and find all of the posts in VA, MD, WV and surrounding as well as other states like WA and CA.

I cannot remember if freqhopping posted it or if I found it somewhere on my own... a order from someone in DoD for an OC3, T3, or some other type of WAN installed from an office/building in Leesburg to SiteR to Mt Weather to another Site? in Tyson's Corner which would appear to be WAN for data (IP or other technology). God only knows what they are building.

there are a lot of "interesting" locations around this area (like mentioned above...SiteR in PA, Mt. Weather in Clarke Co. VA, DC and so on). on Mt. Weather you can receive a lot of these sites with a good signal strength.

it took me a while and some help from freqhopping to get started.

I tried getting the WACN to display on the 396 during search, and I am not sure what I did, but sometimes when I hear a CC on the 396, it pops up the WACN.

Now, I dont know what I did to get it to do that on the 396 - do you know?

Also, I cant get it to do it at all doing a custom search on the 996T - what is the procedure for the 996 - i assume like everything else its different?
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Jan 5, 2004
The WACN does not display in custom search mode. That is the system ID. The system must be programmed and then held on the cc in order to show the WACN when pressing FUNC. It will display "WACN:580A0". When not pressing FUNC it will display the system ID as "0001h-0606" or whatever the case may be.


More questions...

After reading the P25 guidelines on how to assign WACN and SID based on a call sign (I am not a math major and I have decided I dont need to know how to do that) I have also learned that the WACN is only for true P25 systems.

Question 1 is... of what use are either of these pieces of info for other than being able to use them to capture the ID's from a ContorlChannel and use them to cross-reference (either by RR db or callsign) date to figure out what system you might hearing?

Question 2 is... on a system ID such as Loudoun County VA (6B1D) why does it come up as 6B1Dh-0001? I know the site id within the Loudoun system is 001, but why is the site ID preceeded by 0 and why is the system ID followed by h ???
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Oct 17, 2007
South-Eastern Virginia
Re: Question 2 - the 'h' signifies the "mathmatical base" employed, meaning that the ID is a hexadecimal value. The numbers translate 0 through 9 are as in decimal, A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15 thereby giving you 16 unique values per digit position. Mirrors a 16 (hexadecimal) computer memory map along with other hexadecimal functions employed in computer processing. Hope this helps some...


Thanks for the answer about the hex value and the bit size of the ID.

Now, of what use is this info to the scanner hobbyist other then what I describe above?
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