Kasson Skywarn & Dodge County ARES Group: Repeater Loss


KE0SKN - Member
Dec 11, 2005
Kasson, Minnesota
[Disclamer: Not Shore it this is allowed, If Not I Do Apologize in Advance]

In April of 2024, the Kasson Mn Skywarn Group repeater was hit by lighting. This repeater was also shared with the Dodge County ARES group. The total damages to the repeater is $2,000.00. This includes both the Repeater and the Base Antenna. We are looking for help in funding to replace the repeater. The repeater we are trying to get is the Retevis RT97L 25W Repeater Kit with FRP Antenna and Coaxial Cable. The Listed Cost: US$1,299.99. Not including Install. if you can help out it, would help. Please spread the link around. Thank You...

FREQUENCY: 462.675MHz | STEP: +5.0 | TONE: 131.2 - IN/OUT
WRTM295 | KE0SKN - C. Ryan III

GoFundMe Link: Donate to Help Kasson Skywarn Replace Damaged Repeater, organized by Charles E. Ryan III
Website: Events


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