Well the trip was interesting to say the least. The writers were late which made me late. In fact we got there 1 1/2 hour before the race started so I didn't have time to play with the scanners or 2m HT. I did have the 2m on scanning the ham stuff and a scanner scanning race stuff the whole night.
The track is awesome, a very nice clean facility and the staff is great, security didn't hassel me no matter where I went (maybe having that orange photographers vest helped) , but the security went out of it's way to help everyone. One fan who hurt his back couldn't walk down to his seat so they set up chairs for him and his buddies in the handicapped seating, even chasing chairs down for the foursome. Then as I left the media center that night a security guy opened the door for me and said "have good safe trip home". The only time I hear nice stuff out of the yellow shirts at Indy is from those I have known for years. The Kentucky Speedway crew was first class all the way
I was surprised though at the Guard security, in fatigues and using 800mhz radios that were under their uniform, the only thing you could see was the earpiece. LOL, he was checking out all my radios, two cell phones, two scanners and my ICOM V82 HT, plus all my other gear, Canon 1D MKII N camera, 70-200 len and 400mm lens .... I don't travel light

I didn't notice any deputies, I did see State Police so the deputies may have been the guys in plain clothes I saw. Kind of odd to me though was I didn't see any of the ATF or US Marshals I am accustomed to seeing at the Indy 500 or Brickyard 400. It's probably due to the size of the crowd though, 200,000 to 400,000 vs 50,000 that accounts for their appearance at Indy.
Thanks for the help, all the info helped and I had a great time, and waiting for next years race to go back