I have been wondering somthing and I just wanted to see if someone can give me some feedback on this I have been monitoring the Kershaw County Sheriff NARC. UNIT and they have been in a foot chase all morning looking for this guy who ran from them this morning and left a cookie of crack cocaine in the woods were he through it well my question is the Chief Narc. Officer told someone to switch to the regional channel does any one know what that regional channel might be far as the frequency ?? I have been looking at the Data Base and can't seem to find one if there isn't one is there a way to find out there frequency through FCC ?? now I know they switch to Buffalo Mt. Pisgah Fire Dept. channel all the time but when they do I can't pick them up for some reason , I would not think that Buffalo Mt. Pisgah fire Department would be Encrypted would they ?? cause I pick them up all the time but when they switch over they are like gost can't here nothing almost like they never switched over any one have any ideas on to what the regional channel would be ??? THABKS---JASON