Looking at purchasing radios for production/concerts that we do (if you've seen my other topics in industry discussion you may have seen me talking about it) and I'm pretty well settled on the NX 200, I have one that I've used and had no problems with it on a large show we did. Mine has the KMC-41 speaker mic, and with the sensitivity turned down, my buddy had no problems hearing me on an analog channel standing directly in front of the system. So we're looking at purchasing a couple sets for us, as well as maybe sets to rent to a couple bars that need radios for security. I know the KMC-41 has a headphone jack on it, I'm assuming that can be used with a set of ear buds? I say it would probably work better than regular surveillance jacks in loud venues such as bars and concerts. Also, while I'm on the subject, where would be a good but cheap place to get some generic in ear buds (mono or stereo) to go with the radios?