i guess ksp is now on vhf in the pikeville post area this was posted a few days ago on scan_ky_wv yahoo groups
Anyone else hearing the KSP on 159.090? It is APCO-25 also. I usally
listen to Wyoming Co. "WV" sheriff's dept. on this, but started getting
machine gunning about a week ago.... so i disabled the PL tone for the
frequency and there was KSP. They are not coming over their UHF APCO-25
frequencies or the VHF high porta "Analog" frequency, Just 159.090.
Also i have seen on the FCC file where they have about a dozen new
frequencies listed for KSP in the 800 Mhz. band. I have put these in my
scanner, but not yet herd any traffic. I know it was a "slow growth"
system, but it is now installed on the Dorton and Phelps towers.
then later:
No the machine guning is from where i had my scanner set with the PL tone on for that frequency. With digital you can't set a PL tone... you just get maching guning. It is usally at night, and there is no encryption. I hear both sides. Lastnight i set the 159.0900 frequency for KSP on "Primary" mode on my scanner. When the trooper was talking to the base i could hear the UHF radio in the back ground with diffrent traffic, so this is weird. It's not interference from the 154.6650 frequency they use. They use it for CI, and child welfare checks etc.. If it was encrypted i could still hear it." thanks to friends in the military" Theres a new tower went up about 2 miles from my house in KY. I live on the border in WV., but can see the tower from the top of my house... maybe they put up a antenna there. I have a friend who is a trooper in pikeville, but got sent to LA. to help out there... so i can't ask him. He said they were having a lot of trouble with the UHF digital, and were going to make some changes. I have herd the radio in his car, and most of the time the digital is awful.... It either sounds like a "thousand leagues(SP) under the sea" or nothing but machine gunning. They have to use a little analog handheld VHF high to communicate with Pikeville. But forget about hearing it through the day, only at night, but i can't listen through the day all the time either. I thought someone else might be hearing it also. I'm just wondering.
Anyone else hearing the KSP on 159.090? It is APCO-25 also. I usally
listen to Wyoming Co. "WV" sheriff's dept. on this, but started getting
machine gunning about a week ago.... so i disabled the PL tone for the
frequency and there was KSP. They are not coming over their UHF APCO-25
frequencies or the VHF high porta "Analog" frequency, Just 159.090.
Also i have seen on the FCC file where they have about a dozen new
frequencies listed for KSP in the 800 Mhz. band. I have put these in my
scanner, but not yet herd any traffic. I know it was a "slow growth"
system, but it is now installed on the Dorton and Phelps towers.
then later:
No the machine guning is from where i had my scanner set with the PL tone on for that frequency. With digital you can't set a PL tone... you just get maching guning. It is usally at night, and there is no encryption. I hear both sides. Lastnight i set the 159.0900 frequency for KSP on "Primary" mode on my scanner. When the trooper was talking to the base i could hear the UHF radio in the back ground with diffrent traffic, so this is weird. It's not interference from the 154.6650 frequency they use. They use it for CI, and child welfare checks etc.. If it was encrypted i could still hear it." thanks to friends in the military" Theres a new tower went up about 2 miles from my house in KY. I live on the border in WV., but can see the tower from the top of my house... maybe they put up a antenna there. I have a friend who is a trooper in pikeville, but got sent to LA. to help out there... so i can't ask him. He said they were having a lot of trouble with the UHF digital, and were going to make some changes. I have herd the radio in his car, and most of the time the digital is awful.... It either sounds like a "thousand leagues(SP) under the sea" or nothing but machine gunning. They have to use a little analog handheld VHF high to communicate with Pikeville. But forget about hearing it through the day, only at night, but i can't listen through the day all the time either. I thought someone else might be hearing it also. I'm just wondering.