I try to install Kukuruku on my Ubuntu 16.04, but the installation tuto is not very provided I find myself blocking.
I am here:
Build it and install it:
Cp -a .kukuruku ~ (What is it used for?)
# Edit path to modes directory in ~ / .kukuruku / modes (I do this how?)
Cd client
./kukuruku-gui.py your-server: 4444
If a charitable soul will pay attention to me ...
I try to install Kukuruku on my Ubuntu 16.04, but the installation tuto is not very provided I find myself blocking.
I am here:
Build it and install it:
Cp -a .kukuruku ~ (What is it used for?)
# Edit path to modes directory in ~ / .kukuruku / modes (I do this how?)
Cd client
./kukuruku-gui.py your-server: 4444
If a charitable soul will pay attention to me ...