kg4omx said:
I had this question once before and didn't get a clear answer, If I was south of lexington I would use the freqs for the Richmond post 7, and add the two freqs for post 12 that are listed in Fayette if I wanted to hear KSP Lexington activities.
Hey Scott,
Darren has the right idea...for where you are going to be you want to program in the following:
460.300Mhz= KSP Richmond/Madison County "Channel B" Dispatch
460.025Mhz= KSP Richmond/Madison County "Channel A" Alternate Unit to Unit
if you really want to hear the Lexington/Fayette County KSP action you can program in:
460.250Mhz= KSP Lexington/Fayette County "Channel B" Dispatch
460.200Mhz= KSP Lexington/Fayette County "Channel A" Alternate Unit to Unit
Program these frequencies in Conventional APCO 25 Mode and you should be set...and I am sure Unitcharlie will jump in here too with some helpful tips!
Have a safe trip and happy holidays!
Marshall KE4ZNR