that's crazy! That dude is in North Ireland, and he was hearing the Highway Patrol over here where I live.... Man I can't even hear them 15 miles away with a mobile antenna and Ireland is listening to them heheh.
On May 26th, 2006, while vacationing at my home in Grand Gorge, NY in Delaware county (45 minutes southeast of Cooperstown area), while scanning on my Motorola HT750 lowband portable, I caught a dispatch for Floral City, FL in Citrus county for an MVA in front of 7696 S. Florida Ave. on 46.100 MHz, which in my area is Rensselaer County Fire Control.
A few years back, before we bottomed out with the sun spot cycle, I logged a lot of Mil comms from UK. The list is a little old because the SC Hwy Patrol no longer uses 42 mHz. I have material to build a low band Log P antenna before winter. I expect this winter will make the turn for better long skip. I use an Avanti AV-801 and a 5094-A Channel Master for my low band receive. Good Luck to all.