I was reading that using the discone antenna that if I added a pre-amplifier it would amplify the signals coming in. I was also warned that I would be amplifying noise coming in as well. Something like you can't get something for nothing. Since the antenna that I have has no gain and its main selling point is that it's able to hear the different channel ranges, is a pre-amplifier like this a good choice? I already know my wife won't let me buy a separate radio and antenna for two different bands. I have been listening to the Orange County Fire Authority as well as Cal Fire and the Forest Service. The main thing I've read and my ham radio helper is telling me is that you really cannot replace the proper antenna design to do the job. He really thinks that a 3 DB gain VHF antenna is what I need without a pre-amplifier. Something about lobes or nodes or something that drop below horizontal and can hear below the antenna. I was also warned that by adding a pre-amplifier I might start hearing bleeps and bloops from paging systems. I already hear some and imagined they would get worse. So then he tells me I would have to get a paging filter and I'm thinking am I biting off really more than I can chew since I don't really know how this stuff works to start off with? I just want to be able to hear the stuff being said when they're not on the repeater.