Local Police, Michigan State Police, County Sheriffs...etc...what's the difference???

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Premium Subscriber
Oct 21, 2003

I'm in the process of programming in public safety frequencies in a BCD996T, and a question arose in my mind......

What is the difference between the following officers.....as far as jurisdiction, responsibilities..etc.....

1. Local Police (City, Township, Village...etc)
2. County Sheriff
3. Michigan State Patrol
4. Did I miss any?

In regards to County Sheriff; for example, OC Sheriff - are they responsible for all of Oakland county? Or just the NE part? Same question applies to Macomb County Sheriffs. I'm sure Wayne probably has the same department....


Nov 26, 2004
I typed this up a few months back for a website for explorers because they kept asking this question as new ones joined the site.


Troopers here are full fleged officers that have no need for Detectives. They will take a homocide from call to court and doing all the Crime Scene work, process evidence, question and interrogate suspects and wits in the case. They will track down the suspect, arrest, write report and take it to court. They are also not bound by lines of jurisdiction like locals or county officers are.

They also do traffic enforcement and most State Police Agencies set the standards for their states training and training standards.

1) Handle calls for assistance both reactive and proactive
2) Have some traffic enforcement ability depending on departments wants and needs
3) Have areas ranging from Patrol, SWAT, Detective, K9, Narcotics, Vice, Traffic, Crime Scene Tech, Accident Investigator, Auto Theft, They have Heilo's and fixed wing aircraft, dive teams and special Crimes teams, Motor Carrier Officers (seperate from that of Trooper and are not certified in this state as police officer, and some have undercover Troopers.

They patrol areas of the state where there is little to no other police departments or sheriff's patrols. Troopers primary responsibility ins't traffic enforcement, its ensuring the safety of the citizens of their state and the protection of the Govenor and other dignitaries.

Highway Patrol Officers (not always called troopers) primary responsibility is Traffic Enforcement and all crimes committed on next to and around state roads, freeways and major roadways but they have authority just like a triditional state police agency. They usualy don't do what is usualy called normal police work by some but they instead go out and hammer Drunks, speeders and write accidents trying to secure the roadways from morons driving over 100+. Now this isn't to say all Highway Patrol agencies don't do a bit of everything because they do take calls, and handle everyday crap they are just more traffic orientated in their duties.

State Police Commanders and Highway Patrol Commissioners are appointed by the Govenor and approved by the State Senate. Whereas Sheriff's are elected to 4, 6, 8 and 10 year terms depending on the State.

State Police also set state bids on Patrol vehicles so that locals can buy them at a reduced rate. W/o this rate most departments can't afford to pay the ext $4000 for a plain jane car w/o equipment on it.


CO's are responsible for all hunting, fishing and atv enforcement activities and all wifelife laws both state, local and federal laws pertaining as such. Their jurisdiction is unlimited in the state as they can go anyplace at any time w/o questions asked.

They also hold the utmost power for enforcement due to them being an exception to a search warrant in some courses of their job. If you are suspect in a wildlife crime don't be surprised to see them knock at your door for a search for your weapons w/o a warrant as they do not need one to enter the home, vehicle or persons. They more often then not go and get a warrant to apease the suspect and to avoid confrontations, but it's not needed. They have the cool toys like ATVs, rifles, take home suv's and pick up trucks, boats, jet ski's, and snowmobiles.


1) Patrol areas within a city or township
2) Handle calls for assistance both reactive and proactive
3) Have some traffic enforcement ability depending on departments wants and needs.
4) Promotion is usualy easier then that of a Trooper.
5) Have areas ranging from Patrol, SWAT, Detective, K9, School Liason Officer, Juvenile Officer, Narcotics, Vice, Traffic, Crime Scene Tech, Accident Investigator, Auto Theft, Mounted Unit, Marine Division (boats), some have Heilo's and fixed wing aircraft, dive teams and special Crimes teams, some have Commerical Vehicle Enforcement Teams, and some have undercover officer, some also opperate their own holding cells and small jails which very rare.

Locals tend to usualy not patrol interstates that run through their town unless the Department wants them to.

For the most part when a City officer gets a call that requires investigating they turn it over to the Detectives for further review and completion..

Police Chiefs are appointed and not elected and are at will employees of either the City Manager or City Council.


1) Main role is to maintain the jails, courts and serve papers of the court.
2) Patrol areas within a county
3) Handle calls for assistance both reactive and proactive
4) Have some traffic enforcement ability depending on departments wants and needs.
5) Promotion is usualy easier then that of a Trooper.
6) Have areas ranging from Patrol, SWAT, Detective, K9, School Liason Officer, Juvenile Officer, Narcotics, Vice, Traffic, Crime Scene Tech, Accident Investigator, Auto Theft, Mounted Unit, Marine Division (boats), some have Heilo's and fixed wing aircraft, dive teams and special Crimes teams, some have Commerical Vehicle Enforcement Teams, and some have undercover officer, they also opperate the court security systems and the jails which they are responsible to maintain per their states constitution.

Sheriff's Deputies patrol all roadways in their county but that also deplicts on the admin of the department. Some Sheriff's don't want anything to do with the Interstates and State Roads.

Sheriff's are elected to terms ranging in years of 4, 6, 8 and 10. They must be impeached to be removed from office or to be voted out in the next election in favor of someone else.
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Dec 11, 2004
Washington, Michigan
Universaldecoder said:
...What is the difference between the following officers.....as far as jurisdiction, responsibilities..etc..... Did I miss any?


Act 354 of 1993

462.377 Railroad police officer; duties and powers. Sec. 377.

Every railroad police officer, who is appointed and commissioned as provided in this act, shall have, exercise, and possess, throughout the state, while in the discharge of his or her duties as a railroad police officer, the powers of sheriffs, marshals, constables, and municipal police officers except in the service of civil process. A railroad police officer shall enforce and compel obedience to the laws of this state and to the ordinances of the cities, villages, and townships of this state when engaged in the discharge of his or her duties as a railroad police officer for the company.

History: 1993, Act 354, Imd. Eff. Jan. 14, 1994

© 2007 Legislative Council, State of Michigan


Nov 26, 2004
K8PBX said:

Act 354 of 1993

462.377 Railroad police officer; duties and powers. Sec. 377.

Every railroad police officer, who is appointed and commissioned as provided in this act, shall have, exercise, and possess, throughout the state, while in the discharge of his or her duties as a railroad police officer, the powers of sheriffs, marshals, constables, and municipal police officers except in the service of civil process. A railroad police officer shall enforce and compel obedience to the laws of this state and to the ordinances of the cities, villages, and townships of this state when engaged in the discharge of his or her duties as a railroad police officer for the company.

History: 1993, Act 354, Imd. Eff. Jan. 14, 1994

© 2007 Legislative Council, State of Michigan

Rail Cops are like security guards as they only carry water pistols and plastic cuffs :D :D :D :D


Steve I forgot about them. Don't you and Shaun go kicking my rear over leaving y'all out ;)

I believe they also have some limited Federal powers from DHS as well.


Dec 5, 2005
Laurium, michigan

CO's are responsible for all hunting, fishing and atv enforcement activities and all wifelife laws both state, local and federal laws pertaining as such. Their jurisdiction is unlimited in the state as they can go anyplace at any time w/o questions asked.

They also hold the utmost power for enforcement due to them being an exception to a search warrant in some courses of their job. If you are suspect in a wildlife crime don't be surprised to see them knock at your door for a search for your weapons w/o a warrant as they do not need one to enter the home, vehicle or persons. They more often then not go and get a warrant to apease the suspect and to avoid confrontations, but it's not needed. They have the cool toys like ATVs, rifles, take home suv's and pick up trucks, boats, jet ski's, and snowmobiles.""""""""""""""""""

I'm not sure where you got your information for this but as far as their enforcement authority is concerned they are considered to be peace officers and their authority is equal to MSP Troopers and must abide by all the search and seizure laws and rules and probable cause etc. etc.

Many of the laws that COs enforce have a provision which makes it illegal to engage in that activity without the proper license for the activity. This allows COs to check licenses without observing a violation and also check for any fish or game in possession.

Any law enforcement officer in Michigan who can enforce state law can enforce any DNR law within their local jurisdiction with the same authority as COs.


Nov 26, 2004
Info came from my Conservation Law book that I have left over from my CL class I had to take last year for my degree. Which was taught by a DNR Sgt on his off time.


Dec 5, 2005
Laurium, michigan
I don't know what version of conservation law book you were using but some of the laws may go back to the old game law of 1929 or earlier when the established the position of CO.
At one time COs had the power of prosecuting attorney and that may still be on the books but I doubt any court in MI would recognize that as valid.
Some of those sections may have never been revised but modern day rulings would make them invalid.
Search and seizure law is very specific and no one can just search a residence or associated out buildings without permission or a search warrant. The same is true for vehicles without probable cause.

I believe the Sgt. was negligent if he didn't point out the proper interpretation.
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