Question: Has anyone done something like this before? Thought I would ask and get some tips before starting my project.
I have a 80's era Channel Master Quantum tv antenna. Its a log periodic with parasitic elements mounted on standoffs from the main elements. The rear three longest elements are broken off.
What I want to do, if I can figure out the mounting scheme, is to replace the last three broken elements with aluminum tube cut for 30 Mhz (originals were for 54 MHz), and flip it vertically for scanner use.
Since it uses a dual boom which is part of the phasing, and the mount it insulated from the boom, it will require a vertical mast with some sort of "T" fashioned at the top, with the antenna on one side of the T, and a counter weight on the other side. This should also offset it a few inches from the mast, and hopefully the mast wont affect the pattern to much.
I have a 80's era Channel Master Quantum tv antenna. Its a log periodic with parasitic elements mounted on standoffs from the main elements. The rear three longest elements are broken off.
What I want to do, if I can figure out the mounting scheme, is to replace the last three broken elements with aluminum tube cut for 30 Mhz (originals were for 54 MHz), and flip it vertically for scanner use.
Since it uses a dual boom which is part of the phasing, and the mount it insulated from the boom, it will require a vertical mast with some sort of "T" fashioned at the top, with the antenna on one side of the T, and a counter weight on the other side. This should also offset it a few inches from the mast, and hopefully the mast wont affect the pattern to much.