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    If you are having trouble legally obtaining software please state so. We do not want any hurt feelings when your vague post is mistaken for a free request. It is YOUR responsibility to properly word your request.

    To obtain Motorola software see the Sticky in the Motorola forum.

    The various other vendors often permit their dealers to sell the software online (i.e., Kenwood). Please use Google or some other search engine to find a dealer that sells the software. Typically each series or individual radio requires its own software package. Often the Kenwood software is less than $100 so don't be a cheapskate; just purchase it.

    For M/A Com/Harris/GE, etc: there are two software packages that program all current and past radios. One package is for conventional programming and the other for trunked programming. The trunked package is in upwards of $2,500. The conventional package is more reasonable though is still several hundred dollars. The benefit is you do not need multiple versions for each radio (unlike Motorola).

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Looking for input.

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Premium Subscriber
Apr 26, 2010
Sun City, Az
I have been using a Baofeng UV-5R with a trunk mounted antenna for a mobile. It's not receiving as well as it does when using the handheld antenna. I would guess do to the loss in the RG8 from the trunk to the radio. It's also a issue to talk on and change channels while driving. So, I'm looking to get a true mobile and leaning towards a Wouxun KG-UV920P-A. I was wondering if any one else has one and what you think of it.

Thanks in advance for your replies!!

Rich Gaun, KG7ETW
Sun City, Az


Premium Subscriber
Mar 21, 2004
Northeast PA
Since you're looking in the $350 price range you should also consider the Alinco DR-635T. Remote head available as well (which is how I have mine installed in my Jeep Liberty). It has specs and features nearly identical to the Wouxun dual bander, but has a much longer product history and reputation. I've had mine for more than 3 years and still runs like a top.
Also, if you can live with a single band mobile (2M, 440, or 220) check out the TYT radios.... a lot less $$.


Feb 10, 2005
Northern Alabama
My advice, get away from the cheap Chinese garbage and go with a "real" amateur radio. Kenwood, Yaesu, Icom, and Alinco all make very affordable mobile radios. They're all much more durable and reliable than the Chinese radios.

Search around on Ham Radio Outlet or Gigaparts websites and price shop.

You asked for input, that's mine :)


Dec 4, 2006
There can be several reasons why your 'mobile' antenna isn't performing better than a typical rubberduck. It's pretty safe to say that there's a problem of some kind with that trunk mounted antenna, dang near anything is 'better' than a rubberduck. I doubt if the problem is related to just the trunk location, or the feed line. It's probably a combination of things and without being able to see or get your hands on the set up, how can anyone accurately 'solve' the problem. If you have access to the required measuring equipment you could probably find the problem easily. Not too many people have all that equipment, wish I did! It's also a fact that you could be too close to the forest to see the trees, sort of thingy.
Change radios? Most people do at one point or another, it's fairly common. The Wouxun mobile radio didn't turn out like was expected, which was a disappointment to a lot of us. My personal opinion is that it costs too much for what you get. Your opinion will be different than mine probably, oh well.
I'm a Kenwood fan so guess which brand I'd recommend. But don't forget the 'used' market!
Have fun.
- 'Doc


Premium Subscriber
Jun 30, 2006
So Cal - Richardson, TX - Tewksbury, MA
On of the larger importer of Wouxun radios got the first run of the mobile radio and was not very happy with the unit vs price. Instead he imports another Chinese dual band mobile that many say is much better and easier to program and use plus its cheaper. I have no personal experience with the Anytone radio yet but you might check this - Chinese Dual Band Mobile Radio


Nov 16, 2011
I have been using a Baofeng UV-5R with a trunk mounted antenna for a mobile. It's not receiving as well as it does when using the handheld antenna. I would guess do to the loss in the RG8 from the trunk to the radio. It's also a issue to talk on and change channels while driving. So, I'm looking to get a true mobile and leaning towards a Wouxun KG-UV920P-A. I was wondering if any one else has one and what you think of it.

Thanks in advance for your replies!!

Rich Gaun, KG7ETW
Sun City, Az

Rich, I don't think it's a problem with your coax. The typical lengths of RG-8 coax that come with antenna mounts are not NEARLY long enough to cause so much loss that receiving signals are lost.

It's very surprising to me that your handheld antenna performs better. That tells me that something is seriously wrong with your antenna situation, because in no situation should your handheld antenna work better than your mobile one. My guess is that either 1. Your antenna is complete crap, 2. There is a loose connection somewhere. Also, trunk mounts aren't typically the best place to put your antenna, but for most purposes they should work fine.

As for the radio, I have no idea if that's a good one, but if my memory serves me correctly, a few people have recommended it. eHam reviews of a similar model are 3.6/5, so I guess you just need to take it as it is. But keep in mind that getting a different radio will do absolutely nothing to fix your receive problem unless the problem was with your Baofeng itself.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 26, 2010
Sun City, Az
Thanks for the responses. Now that I think about a little more the antenna is a Tram 1181 dual band with a wide spread. It dose seem to work better when monitoring Public Safety than the ham bands. Perhaps, a change in antenna would be in order more tuned towards the Ham Bands. I'll also take a look at the different radios mentioned. When it comes to the Ham world I'm not hooked on anyone manufacture like I was when buying Public Safety equipment.


Feb 24, 2001
As a owner of a Wouxun mobile I would not recommend it at all.I am on the second radio now,first had power issues (weak solder joints) replaced under warranty.I am now have issues with the control head which scrambles up your alpha tags all the time using 2nd head right now it started messing up with that one.I have a email parade going on with Wouxun telling me first it was a bad memory chip and request I install it myself,next they said send head to them.Last email says after further testing they want me to send the radio body only and keep the head.

I know what is wrong and it is in the control head but Wouxun is making every excuse they can to get me to send a piece at a time to them which I will not do due to the cost and my local dealer is disgusted with them also,which I can't blame him either,he has bent over backwards to help me out and suggest I as the consumer to see what kind of answer I would get from them.

I got my answer which is they do not want to take responsibility for a sub standard product they build and send to us but expect us to eat the cost of shipping and repairs back to China which I will not do.I believe lesson learned.I will not send more money on this radio sending it back and forth when they could send the replacement head to me and afford to absorb the shipping but being as they are they refuse to do this,talking about cheap.I do not like the mentality of the company talking to you in emails as you were a child,good luck if you buy one...William


Feed Provider
May 15, 2011
S.E. Oklahoma
Highly unlikey it's the coax considering most mobile applications use RG58 since it's a short run. RG8 is overkill for a mobile application, but if you can get away with it, do it.

If you're going to spend $350 for a Wouxun radio, I would pony up the additional $25 & go with a Kenwood TM-V71a. Night & day difference in build quality & overall performance.

The Wouxun dual bander is overpriced & folks are starting to realize the Chineese radios are junk. See the above post.
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Feb 10, 2005
Northern Alabama
If you're going to spend $350 for a Wouxun radio, I would pony up the additional $25 & go with a Kenwood TM-V71a. Night & day difference in build quality & overall performance.

I'll second that! The TM-V71A is an outstanding dual band radio.

The Wouxun dual bander is overpriced & folks are starting to realize the Chineese radios are junk. See the above post.

Agreed! "You get what you pay for" They're cheap(er) for a reason!


Feb 24, 2001
I admit I bought a piece of junk in the Wouxun mobile,the only reason I bought it was for the capability of having non-standard pl tones since we have a few public safety repeaters in my area which incorporate and intentionally use non-standard pl tones to keep unauthorized persons off their repeaters.

The main reason being people that were buying amateur radios and doing the expanded transmit mods and using them in the 150MHZ portion of the public safety band, thankfully most manufactures do not include those non-standard pl tones in their amateur line.

I would not have bought the radio if it had not been for those options on the Wouxun,I will say you learn from your mistakes and buying that piece of junk was a huge mistake.I hope others read of my frustration before buying into this.

In the future I will purchase 2 separate VHF/UHF radios that will include the interoperability and options I need,no more cheap Chinese junk for me,lesson learned at my expense,as the old saying goes once bitten twice shy...William
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Nov 16, 2011
Why are you wanting to transmit on a public safety frequency? You don't need a radio with their specific PL tones so unless you're wanting to transmit on those frequencies, there's no reason I can think of why you would pick a lesser quality radio for its nonstandard PL tones.
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Feb 24, 2001
Why are you wanting to transmit on a public safety frequency? You don't need a radio with their specific PL tones so unless you're wanting to transmit on those frequencies, there's no reason I can think of why you would pick a lesser quality radio for its nonstandard PL tones.

For the record I will put your mind at ease,I am not a damn whacker nor do I have any lights or a siren in my vehicle,other than that here is my response to your questions.

I decided not to go into any detail about why I do anything since some things are none of your business. I do not know you and I am not obligated to provide you with any information.I will just leave it at that.What I do in my life is private as your should be.I will only tell you one thing I am AUTHORIZED to transmit on the frequencies I have in my radio contrary to what you believe.

Think next time before you start interrogating someone.I am not under investigation here so no need to answer anything.Leave you attitude at work and act more like a human off the clock your police attitude does not impress me.It may not be the way you meant to sound but it sure as hell sounded like it.
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Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
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Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
Guys, stop right here. If this is going to develop into an argument between two individuals, take it elsewhere.


Mar 6, 2004
Paige, Republic of Texas
Granted my 920 only gets used mobile race weekends (part 90 business band, thank you very much, and yes I do have a magnetic flashing amber when I'm on track either as pace car or in the truck doing tows) and sits on the desk in the radio room the rest of the time I have had no problems with it.


Nov 16, 2011

I have no idea why you got so hostile towards me. I was asking a simple question but I guess that was too much. All you had to say was you're authorized, not go on a huge tangent on why it's none of my business.

Sorry I made you upset.


Dec 4, 2006
The other side of that 'public service' capability is that some of us do have a legitimate reason and ability to use them. That's one reason I have one of those 'cheap' Chinese radios. It has the capability and I can't afford one of the 'big boys', you know?
I don't think that preparing yourself for a 'SHTF' type situation by getting a 'Pub.Serv.' radio is a very good idea, just not too practical. In most cases you would not be welcome on those bands and would just be causing unnecessary problems. In a really terrible 'SHTF' situation, who says you wouldn't be the only one on the air? Not much help, huh?
- 'Doc


Lead Wiki Manager and almost an Awesome Moderator
Staff member
Super Moderator
Jul 18, 2004
Central Indiana
Folks, the OP asked about the Wouxun dual-band mobile radio. If you have comments about this radio, good or bad, please respond.

The out-of-band transmit horse has been well beaten in other threads. If you have comments about the legality or illegality of transmitting outside a radio's FCC certification or outside the scope of an amateur radio license, please take your comments to http://forums.radioreference.com/am...ut-band-transmit-illegal-stupid-question.html .

One more thing...take a look at this post and give #11 serious consideration before you share your thoughts with the group. This is the Internet and it's an imperfect form of communication. What's said here is, for the most part, permanent. Even if a moderator "deletes" your post at a later date, once you've posted it, it's out there. Secondly, it's very difficult to convey voice inflection and facial expression in a purely written medium. You may be making a friendly jab or a sarcastic remark, but the readers may not take it that way.

Finally, when the moderator says stop heading down the path you're on in the conversation, it's like mom breaking up a fight between two siblings. Mom really doesn't care who started it or who escalated it. When Mom says "stop", stop.
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