For whatever it is worth here is what I think I have figured out about the FWS Refuge here in Spokane, Wa:
Department of Interior:
Fish and Wildlife Service:
164.7750 (156.7) R Turnbull Game Refuse- Cheney
164.6250 - FWS1
163.1500 - FWS2
By low band do you mean 30-50mhz? If yes, then I have no answer.
In my experience also is FWS is generally VHF.
Just a question, as I like puzzles like this, what in that photo leads you to think low band?
That antenna looks like it could be a VHF Super Stationmaster to me (18-20 ft tall and the radials are consistent ).
If you have any hooks into the local fire department that might be a good place for discrete inquiries as they are likely to have mutual aid plan or agreement in place.....reading a volunteer firemans portable is often a goldmine of into- if you have that access.