Thanks for that info. I didn't have much time to look at the scanner during the show, so I can't confirm any of them. I noticed one of them you listed was digital, and that would explain the clicking I was hearing off and on. I only had my 97 with me, so I couldn't recieve that. The clicking sound was familiar though. When one of the local counties here went digital, that is all I would get on their freq.
I didn't miss all coms. though. I had pleanty to listen to with the other freqs. It put a differant twist on the air show being able to listen while making exposures with the camera.
Thaks again to all who posted info!!!
A ? for anyone. I only caught the tail end of this comm. but, the one tech said got ________ but no elmo just after the engine test. He was up by the cockpit and looking back at the comm. cart. The next thing I knew they pulled that plane out of the line up, and towed it to the end of the taxi way. It never flew that day.