Louisville has several interesting licenses that I have not been able to figure out:
WPPC253 has three frequencies licensed to the city
One repeater 155.580 (does not appear to be operational)
Two mobiles, 158.910 licensed as repeater input (used by Police as “City” channel) and 153.9875 (unknown use, 5 watts)
ULS License - Public Safety Pool, Conventional License - WPPC253 - LOUISVILLE, CITY OF
WPVJ279 has one frequency licensed to the fire district
Two bases and mobiles on 155.385 (referred to as “Company” channel)
ULS License - Public Safety Pool, Conventional License - WPVJ279 - LOUISVILLE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT
WQMC787 has one frequency licensed to the city – centered around city hall
One mobile 156.015 (unknown use, 25 watts)
ULS License - Public Safety Pool, Conventional License - WQMC787 - LOUISVILLE, CITY OF
WQUM220 has two frequencies licensed to the city – centered around police department
Two mobile, 151.055 and 155.640 (unknown use, 5 watts)
ULS License - Public Safety Pool, Conventional License - WQUM220 - LOUISVILLE, CITY OF
WQUT583 has three frequencies licensed to the city – at city hall
Two repeaters, 159.315 and 161.850
One mobile, 157.250
The 161.850/157.250 pair is a common fire interop pairing in Colorado
Not sure what input they would be using for 159.315, but pretty sure I heard the FD talking simplex on this channel so that may be their TAC3 not on repeater.
ULS License - Public Safety Pool, Conventional License - WQUT583 - LOUISVILLE, CITY OF
Don't think they are on 800, all portables still appear to be VHF and agree that they are not likely using PD TG's.
Would be interested in hearing what others have heard on these frequencies.