SDRTrunk Love using SDRTrunk, apart from a few small issues


Jun 27, 2023
Hi from a radio enthusiast in Australia !
Started using SDRTrunk a few weeks ago, and really like it so far. Pretty much a full on radio protocol decoder. The GPS map feature is cool.
Well done to the developers of it !
Here I am monitoring DMR, P25 & MPT1327 systems, works very well with them all.
Looking forward to the next release of it, however, very much hope a few small things can be fixed, such as :-
- P25 radio IDs issue - When entering an alias for a P25 radio ID that has one or two leading zeros at the start (as is displayed in the From column on the Events screen), the alias function never seems to work, I have tried entering as a regular ID & qualified ID with no joy. Any other radio ID without any leading zeros works fine.
- GPS Map radio IDs - I believe that you can change the displayed alias, color & symbol for the GPS map radio IDs, but this does not appear to work at all for DMR radio IDs, that yellow color text is terrible !
- Wonder if there will be an addition of NXDN as an extra mode in the future ? There are a few NXDN systems here that are worth monitoring. But not a big priority, better to sort out all the other small things first.

Anyway, back to more monitoring ! Cheers, Chris.


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
- P25 radio IDs issue - When entering an alias for a P25 radio ID that has one or two leading zeros at the start (as is displayed in the From column on the Events screen), the alias function never seems to work, I have tried entering as a regular ID & qualified ID with no joy. Any other radio ID without any leading zeros works fine.

I have never entered any leading zero's and all works well. What version are you running?

qualified ID

Unless the rid is showing wacn.system.radioID, you would not use that. Example 781824.2431.202

Radio ID and Radio ID Range

Identifies a single radio or a range of radios. This is typically the FROM identifier in a radio call.

Fully Qualified Radio and Fully Qualified Talkgroup​

These alias identifiers are used with APCO25 systems where an ISSI patch allows a remote system user to roam onto the local system and to avoid having an identifier collision between the roaming radio and the local radio identifiers, the system uses a fully qualified ID (wacn.system.radioID). When you see fully qualified values appearing in the sdrtrunk calls view, you can use these alias identifiers to correctly alias these roaming/remote users.


Premium Subscriber
Apr 12, 2013
Go to view, and then select user preferences. When you see this window, uncheck all the boxes for fixed width. This will get rid of any leading zeros.

Screenshot 2024-04-28 070908.png


DXpeditioner, RRDB & Google-fu ninja 4 hire
Premium Subscriber
Jul 16, 2006
Philly burbs 🇺🇸
- Wonder if there will be an addition of NXDN as an extra mode in the future ? There are a few NXDN systems here that are worth monitoring. But not a big priority, better to sort out all the other small things first.
"Low priority" Been an open feature request since 2015, one I'd certainly like to see...


Jun 27, 2023
Thanks for the replies guys. Ok I will try out that ID format setting change & see how it goes. I am using the latest 0.6.1 Beta 1 version. Running on Linux Ubuntu. I do find that when monitoring a busy DMR trunking system, with the Max voice channels set to 5, and the spectrum/waterfall disabled, the program runs out of memory & crashes after a short time. But is fine with not too busy systems. The main DMR trunking systems here do get very busy during peak times, so a lot of data for it to try and handle at once.


Jun 27, 2023
I have fixed the radio ID alias issue for P25, I had the wrong alias list set for that particular channel ! All good now.


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
I do find that when monitoring a busy DMR trunking system, with the Max voice channels set to 5, and the spectrum/waterfall disabled, the program runs out of memory & crashes after a short time. But is fine with not too busy systems
How much ram do you have in that box? I was having issues on one windows pc, added ram and it runs without issue.


Jun 27, 2023
Has 8Gb RAM, is a HP Pavilion all in one PC, with touch screen. Nice machine. Not too concerned about the crashing, it only happens when trying to monitor very busy DMR trunking systems, busy P25 systems run on it fine, along with any other ones I monitor. Appears like an issue specifically with the DMR mode. But monitoring just the control channel only, no voice tracking, runs ok.
Should mention I am using a single RTL-SDR V3 dongle.


* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
Had issues using 8gb on win 10. Have 12 now and no more crashes. Using 2 airspy mini's on three to 4 systems.


Jun 27, 2023
Been using the latest nightly builds of SDRTrunk with no issues anymore of the program crashing, so pretty happy with that.
Also, with the very latest nightly build, the GPS Map has been improved, yay ! Default GPS ID text is now dark blue, so can actually read it.
Plus you can now clear the GPS tracks without having to restart the program, and some other things. But appears the GPS radio ID alias list function is not operational yet, as I cannot figure out how to get this to work. But getting there ! Well done to the developers.


Premium Subscriber
Jun 11, 2023
Had issues using 8gb on win 10. Have 12 now and no more crashes. Using 2 airspy mini's on three to 4 systems.
Sir, I am on an I9 13900k, 128GB DDR5 RAM, Nvidia 4090 and I STILL have it freeze for some reason.


OH/WV DB Admin
Database Admin
Dec 5, 2006
Carroll Co OH / EN90LN
Thanks for the replies guys. Ok I will try out that ID format setting change & see how it goes. I am using the latest 0.6.1 Beta 1 version. Running on Linux Ubuntu. I do find that when monitoring a busy DMR trunking system, with the Max voice channels set to 5, and the spectrum/waterfall disabled, the program runs out of memory & crashes after a short time. But is fine with not too busy systems. The main DMR trunking systems here do get very busy during peak times, so a lot of data for it to try and handle at once.
If you are positive the program is running out of memory (and you are referring to Java-assigned memory), I think the default is 1 GB.

In my SDRTrunk.bat file, by default, it has a bunch of lines. You can add on to the "set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS=" line to increase memory. It may be more preferable to do what is said in the REM statement, but I'm unsure how to do that. I do know that the way I'm doing it below, it does set my Java memory to 2 GB instead of the default of 1 GB.

@rem Add default JVM options here. You can also use JAVA_OPTS and SDR_TRUNK_OPTS to pass JVM options to this script.

set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="--add-exports=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED" "--add-exports=java.desktop/" "--add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector" "--enable-preview" "--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED" "-Djava.library.path=c:\Program Files\SDRplay\API\x64" "-Xms2048m"

See that last section surrounded by " " : "-Xms2048m" ?

That is what I added to increase Java memory to 2 GB instead of 1 GB (default).

"-Xms2048m" # for 2 GB
"-Xms3192m" # for 3 GB

If you do it right and restart SDRTrunk, on the main SDRTrunk screen at the bottom you will see the new max value.

Try that and see what happens.



* * * * * * * * * * * *
Premium Subscriber
Feb 17, 2003
Suffolk County NY
set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS="--add-exports=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED" "--add-exports=java.desktop/" "--add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector" "--enable-preview" "--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED" "-Djava.library.path=c:\Program Files\SDRplay\API\x64" "-Xms2048m"

Guess it doesn't matter where its added as I have it here, and all seems to be working good. I also have it as 6G instead of 6144m

set DEFAULT_JVM_OPTS= -Xmx6G "--add-exports=javafx.base/com.sun.javafx.event=ALL-UNNAMED" "--add-exports=java.desktop/" "--add-modules=jdk.incubator.vector" "--enable-preview" "--enable-native-access=ALL-UNNAMED" "-Djava.library.path=c:\Program Files\SDRplay\API\x64"


I was using Xmx6G and my issues went away. But now, I am trying Xms6G and will see how that goes.

specifies the initial size of the heap. When the JVM starts up, it allocates the amount of memory specified by Xms to the heap.
Xmx specifies the maximum amount of memory that the JVM can allocate to the heap. The heap is the area of memory where Java objects are stored.