At one time, I had a CE-100, which looks exactly like the picture in the link xeno194 provided.
I bought it in the mid 1970's
The scanner used crystals and could only scan the VHF-HI and UHF bands.
There should be a plate on the bottom of the radio that gives access to the crystal sockets.
Since the model numbers are so similar, I would guess there's not much difference between the CE-100 and CE-110.
I'm pretty sure MacDonald never made a programmable scanner though.....since their crystal scanners disappeared way before the synthesized radios came out.
I wouldn't invest much in crystals for the radio though.....but if you're still interested, there are used crystals available on eBay.......just type in "10.7 scanner crystal" in the search box, along with the frequency of interest......(type in enough zeros so that there are a total of 4 characters to the right of the decimal point.......Example: Use 154.8000 instead of 154.8)