Macon County / CIRDC 800 MHz Frequencies

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IL /MO/Global DB Adm!n
Database Admin
Mar 29, 2004
MetroEast-St Louis
These are licensed as Trunked, at what appears to be different towers, around the same area. There could be a variety of uses.

If anyone in the area can monitor these 800 MHz frequencies and try to find the usage.

Central Illinois Regional Dispatch Center (CIRDC)​

WNKZ536 Licensed to CIRDC as YG Trunked, FM/P25 for "Police Protection"

  • 2460 N Jasper is the Ameren Illinois - Decatur Operating Center
  • 2600 N Jasper is the Decatur Water/Municipal Services building
  • 1078 W Rotary Way-Decatur is the CIRDC Dispatch Center and the Macon County Law Enforcement Center
  • Associated call signs (at 2460 Jasper Decatur) WQBY332 851.3375, 851.8625, 852.3875 WQBU914 855.2125 IL State YG WQIU451 Ameren license
  • (loc 1) 2600 N Jasper- 854.9875, 855.2375, 855.7375, 855.9875, 859.2625, 860.2625 (70W Repeaters); 860.4625, 856.2625 (100W Repeaters) [855.4875 moved to site 10 7/23] [all FM/P25/P25P2]
  • (loc 2) 25-35W FX1 on inputs to location 1 Repeaters [all FM/P25] (loc 3) mobiles (loc 4) 900-45W mobiles on 815/860.4625, 811/856.2625 [all FM/P25]
  • (loc 5) 1078 W Rotary Way-Decatur (CIRDC) 860.4625 100W Repeater [FM/P25/P25P2], 855.7375 70W-Repeater [FM/P25/P25P2], 854.9875 100W Repeater [only P25/P25 Phase II]
    • 860.4625 is on the Decatur South STARCOM21 site
  • (loc 6) 2460 N Jasper-Decatur - 860.2625 70W Repeater [FM/P25/P25P2], 859.2625 70W-Repeater [FM/P25/P25P2], 855.9875 100W Repeater [only P25/P25 Phase II]
    • 860.2625 is on the Argenta / Oreana STARCOM21 site
  • (loc 7) 1 mi N of Oreana - 855.2375 70W Repeater [FM/P25/P25P2]
  • (loc 8) 1078 W Rotary Way-Decatur (CIRDC) 855.4875 70W Repeater (exact same Lat/Lon of site 5) [FM/P25/P25P2]
  • (loc 10) 2600 N Jasper- 855.4875 70W-Repeater (with 900-35W 810.4875 input) located at 2600 N Jasper St at (license modified 7/23) WNKZ536 (loc 11) 900-35W mobiles on 810.4875 [FM/P25/P25P2]
  • 855.4875 is also licensed on Peoria County ETSB WQQI605 and Decatur City WQVQ391 (approved by the city of Decatur Police Chief)


Electron Wrangler
Dec 19, 2002
Wrong side of the tracks
2460 Jasper is the new location of site 228 which used to be at Ameren's MLK Ave location.
It was moved because the old tower needed remediation and it was cheaper to build a new one.
2600 Jasper is the old Smartnet system Decatur had. The frequencies were spread over sites 201, 228, and 236 when Decatur/Macon came on Starcom. Public works were the last users of the Smartnet and they are also on Starcom now.
This stuff is gone but probably still on the license.
1078 Rotary is the new location of site 236 which used to be at the WXFM tower.
The Peoria freq is probably part of the Tazewell Co. addon to the Peoria Simulcast (249)


IL /MO/Global DB Adm!n
Database Admin
Mar 29, 2004
MetroEast-St Louis
Copy. But can you find the usage of these frequencies. It is licensed as "YG" trunked, but they don't appear (per the database) to be in use as so
Some of these are only 1 frequency per site, so am assuming there may possibly be some other uses here. Could be conventional use --- or could be a back-up system to STARCOM21. OR could be another frequency added to current SC21 sites

Ameren and IL State just recently modified their licenses too from 2460 to 2600.
So, understanding the past and present. I do not believe these frequencies have been identified specifically

I traveled in the area from 2013-2021 for work, so I personally have found a lot of the info we have in the database

We still have a lot of Decatur/Macon talkgroups that need to be identified (Fire and Public Works). If anyone can help with that.

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