Just order a new uniden bcd325p2, what file or update do I need from uniden so I can hear Magee ms PD?
I think it is 50 bucks per file but
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I would wait simpson county is on mswin and mcgee may follow suit soo. Also
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Magee PD is still on the MOTO turbo or whatever it is, can't monitor on scanner. Yep, they have a tg on MSWIN but no-one knows why. I think the Chief, Asst Chief and Dispatch with Magee have a radio from S.O. so they can communicate.
Be Safe
But I'm sure they were told no scanners could pick up DMR, and that was true at the time. As we all know that is changing and as time passes they will have an expensive system to maintain and everyone that has a newer scanner will be able to hear them just fine unless they encrypt. This is the same story we have seen play out with all new systems over the years. they could have just used MSWIN and encrypted and saved a lot of money in the long run. They have that MSWIN TGID because they were going that route at first.Then I stand corrected....
I think that was ment for the mswin threadJust heard Claiborne County SO on 41105 calling Claiborne 4 and 6 far a call in hermanville. I copied it off of the MOOT Hazlehurst tower. It lists 41053 as SO Dispatch