I'm in the same boat as the original poster: I must decide between the 2500 and 5000 for our county's switch to Motorola Smartzone II/APCO 25 system this fall.
Some questions I get conflicting answers for, which in the end IS a question about the hardware:
Our system is
Montgomery County PA.. We have two different 'zones', East and West, East with 10 frequencies, and West with 8 frequencies. There are talkgrous divided by 'east' and 'west' but also 'countywide' talkgroups. Can I make the assumption that the 'countywide' talkgroups get broadcast on a separate frequency pair in both the east and west frequency zones? <btw, the context of 'zones' appears to not match the way 'zone' is used in the XTS manuals, but I digress>.
We also have fireground channels with have been advertised as 'line of sight' and have no talkgroups assigned. I have to assume that these are conventional frequencies on different frequencies than the 18 aforementioned, don't I? Or do I not?
Anyhow, the end-all question is about scanning both the 'east' zone along with the conventional fireground frequency at the same time, i.e. talking on fireground, but being able to hear if dispatch is hailing. Somebody asked if we could do both with the XTS2500, and the answer was 'no'. If this info is correct, would the answer be the same with the XTS5000?
The reason I ask that is because the instructions given to us to program as scan list on the XTS2500 says this: "A maximum of 10 'channels' can be scanned radio wide". The instruction sheet for the XTS5000 says 15 channels.
So, in my attempt to piece this all together, I'm wondering if in that blurb 10 'channels' means ten frequencies- so if I'm scanning anything on the east zone, made up of ten frequencies, that immediately puts me at my 'channel' limit and no other frequencies (i.e. the conventional fireground frequency) or talkgroups in different zones could be added. So, if by some miracle my assumption is right, the XTS5000, with its 15 channel limit, could add up to five more frequencies/channels in its scanlinst along with the 10 already taken up by the east trunking zone.
Does this make sense? Is my expanation understandable? Any comments would be appreciated- there's about a 15K delta between the models in the radio purchase, and I want to make sure I get it right. Thanks.