Sunday morning a large multi agency drill will commence, Here are some suggested frequencies to monitor for the drill. Here is some EMS freqs to listen to.
Conventional Frequencies.
Hudcen Ops 5
Vtac 1
Vtac 2
Vtac 4
Itac 1
Itac 5
Spen 4
Remcs Med 10
Hudson Co OEM
Path Ops Freqs
Trunked Fleets on Troop B.
MICU Statewide
MICU Tac 1 & 2
Hern Network
NJ EMS Task Force
NJ EMS Task Force Coordinators
PAPD Trunked System
123.050 - Hudson River
123.025 - News Hounds
123.100 - NYPD Av. Co
123.450 - Air to Air
127.850 - KEWR Class B
Anything else someone may think of please post and
anyone going with an extra 396 might be a great idea to
hang near the CP w/ close call turned on.
Have a good weekend !!
Conventional Frequencies.
Hudcen Ops 5
Vtac 1
Vtac 2
Vtac 4
Itac 1
Itac 5
Spen 4
Remcs Med 10
Hudson Co OEM
Path Ops Freqs
Trunked Fleets on Troop B.
MICU Statewide
MICU Tac 1 & 2
Hern Network
NJ EMS Task Force
NJ EMS Task Force Coordinators
PAPD Trunked System
123.050 - Hudson River
123.025 - News Hounds
123.100 - NYPD Av. Co
123.450 - Air to Air
127.850 - KEWR Class B
Anything else someone may think of please post and
anyone going with an extra 396 might be a great idea to
hang near the CP w/ close call turned on.
Have a good weekend !!