I just downloaded the January issue of The Spectrum Monitor and saw this...
... it looked (past tense) interesting to me, so I jumped over to Scamazon and...
... it's cute and all, but at $485.00 BEFORE tax, I simply cannot bring myself to click the buy button.
Well, that is just about what I bought my Drake R-8 for after selling my SDS200, and it is 30 years old 😀. It all depends on what you want and how much you want to spend. Think of it as one Big Mac, fries, and a coke a week 😊
Well, that is just about what I bought my Drake R-8 for after selling my SDS200, and it is 30 years old 😀. It all depends on what you want and how much you want to spend. Think of it as one Big Mac, fries, and a coke a week 😊
Yeah, I think I'll stick with my RSP1A for SDR use at home and use my SDS100 for portable stuff. While the radio looks great and all, it seems like a waste (to me) to use it with a portable antenna if I want to do any HF stuff.
Now the magazine however looks to be a great read and since I have New Years Eve and New Years Day off, I printed it up and will enjoy reading it "old school style" with a cup of coffee in my La-Z-Boy.
I do have have a couple of questions for you, since you seem to know...
1) The Commi DSP clone is more aesthetically pleasing and more expensive than the real DSP3, is it operationally inferior to the original?
2) What is different on the newer genuine DSP 3 over the older clone DSP2?
3) I heard there was an embargo on things of Russian origin due to the hostilities in Ukraine, is that in error?
The price on the newer genuine radio is is actually reasonable...