What an antenna! I thought my Icom R20 was a very good airband scanner with just the stock telescopic antenna, but nothing compared to using the AL-500H. I'm hearing many more frequencies and I'm also hearing the Indianapolis International Airport Approach/Departure and Indianapolis Center air traffic controllers on 6 frequencies. I can also hear ground control conversing with pilots, giving them instructions such as when to push off and taxi-way instructions. Previously, I could hear the ATC on one frequency and that was very weak most of the time. I live 22 miles from Indianapolis International Airport. I also heard a good air to air conversation from two Indiana Air National Guard pilots over the Hilltop MOA on 350.350.
Additionally, I have found the AH-500H also vastly improves my Uniden BCD396T on the airbands. Not to the performance of the R20; however, I have been discovering that the 396 is a pretty good airband scanner.
Anyway, I would highly recommend the AL-500H for airband scanning.
Additionally, I have found the AH-500H also vastly improves my Uniden BCD396T on the airbands. Not to the performance of the R20; however, I have been discovering that the 396 is a pretty good airband scanner.
Anyway, I would highly recommend the AL-500H for airband scanning.
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