PolarBear25 said:
"Sheriff Deputy's" are diffent than Police Officers And I would never condone the death of an Police Officer never..
OMG!!! You GOT me!!! You got me good! But since this is game you want to play, let me take my turn:
1. "Sheriff's deputies" not "Sheriff Deputy's."
2. The correct spelling of "diffent" is "dif·fer·ent."
3. You don't capitalize a noun ("Deputy's" and "Police Officers") unless they are part of a specific individual's title (i.e., "Police Officer, John Smith").
4. Your "sentence" is missing two periods, one coma and has an incorrectly rendered ellipsis (that has no business being there to begin with).
5. I don't think "condone" means what you think it does:
con·done [kuhn-dohn] –verb
1. to disregard or overlook (something illegal, objectionable, or the like).
2. to give tacit approval to: "By his silence, he seemed to condone their behavior."
This is probably the word you were looking for:
triv·i·al·ize (tr?v'?-?-l?z')
1. To make or cause to appear trivial: "While trying to be funny, PB trivialized the injuries to the sheriff's deputies."