As most of you are aware, Marion County Sheriff's Office works Funeral Details by supplying an Escort vehicle or two... the Escort vehicles use TGID 1016 to communicate car to car.
THE NEW TGID I have confirmed is 1132 on the MC 800 trunked system, and it is a TAC channel for Funeral Details. I imagine this new talkgroup is in thier portables, and used primarily for staging during a Detail, while out of the car.
As far as I understand it, both talkgroups are to be used during Details by the Escort Division. The new TGID does not seem to replace the old TGID.
THE NEW TGID I have confirmed is 1132 on the MC 800 trunked system, and it is a TAC channel for Funeral Details. I imagine this new talkgroup is in thier portables, and used primarily for staging during a Detail, while out of the car.
As far as I understand it, both talkgroups are to be used during Details by the Escort Division. The new TGID does not seem to replace the old TGID.