Frequencies are accurate on the Yavapai County page. Most dispatch freqs are licensed to Williamson Valley-Bagdad Fire District; the other districts have their own licenses and freqs, as listed under their name. BTW it appears that all dispatch freqs are linked so find one that works for you and you'll hear most of the repeated traffic.
Rural Metro dispatches for the Yavapai County Fire Consortium, a group of fire districts that entered into a interdepartmental agreement to share Admin and Command resources. They remain contracted with Rural metro to dispatch. Yarnell has their own admin and chief, is also dispatched by RM.
Mayer FD, Crown King FD (Battalion 2 out of Mayer)
Williamson Valley-Bagdad, Southern Yavapai, Peeples Valley, Skull Valley (Battalion 9 out of Bagdad)
Congress and Yarnell (Battalion 7 out of Congress)
Interesting note: no batt numbers are duplicated with the CAFMA commands (Batt 1 Prescott, Batt 3 Central Yavapai, Batt 6 Chino Valley)