I have a few questions for you guys using Stridsberg multicouplers. First off did you try tv splitters first and realize a limitation or problem? How did the scanners behave before the stridsberg? The reason I ask I have four scanners all feed from one catv splitter. Most of the time I have them all on Milair stuff. I have noticed that one scanner will open on a strong freq, then another will open on the same, and then the others eventually find that signal. Sometimes one or two scanners won't get it at all. So they don't all open squelch at the same time (expected). What I'm getting at here is the Stridsberg, when you are using it will the scanners just go on like they each had their own antenna? Is that port isolation factor that good? What other effects happen when you use a catv spliter? Maybe I have that problem but can't notice it? Sometimes one scanner will get stuck on noise and then the others get all noisy too. I'm probably gonna go ahead and get the MCA208M for further expansion do I really need to cap the unused ports? Last question, jumper coax cables from Stridsberg anyone using them? Are they worth the money or should I just make my own?