MCA208M ??

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Premium Subscriber
Aug 14, 2006
Clark County, NV.
I have a few questions for you guys using Stridsberg multicouplers. First off did you try tv splitters first and realize a limitation or problem? How did the scanners behave before the stridsberg? The reason I ask I have four scanners all feed from one catv splitter. Most of the time I have them all on Milair stuff. I have noticed that one scanner will open on a strong freq, then another will open on the same, and then the others eventually find that signal. Sometimes one or two scanners won't get it at all. So they don't all open squelch at the same time (expected). What I'm getting at here is the Stridsberg, when you are using it will the scanners just go on like they each had their own antenna? Is that port isolation factor that good? What other effects happen when you use a catv spliter? Maybe I have that problem but can't notice it? Sometimes one scanner will get stuck on noise and then the others get all noisy too. I'm probably gonna go ahead and get the MCA208M for further expansion do I really need to cap the unused ports? Last question, jumper coax cables from Stridsberg anyone using them? Are they worth the money or should I just make my own?


Apr 22, 2012
Puget Sound
First off, you have to realize that on the standard CATV splitter there is a loss factor between input and out put.

On a 2 port splitter, you are divideing in half, the input signal, now on a three output you have half the input signal going to one port and then for each of the next two ports, each port is double the loss.

Loss on outputs, 2 port splitters are 3db each port, three way is 3db to one port and 7db to the other two, 4 way is 7db to each port and the big one, 8 way splitter is a big 11db to each port. (10 in, -1 out)

EXAMPLE: input signal is 10, output on a two way is 5 to each port. On a three way the out put is 5 to one port and then 3 to the other two.

On a 4 way, each out put has the same loss facter which is big. (called DB loss) It is 7db

Soo..10 going into the slpitter and on each of the 4 outputs you will see a 3.

As for the Stridsberg, at over three hundred dollors, I can come up with a whole lot better solution.

I run muliple recievers and I use the following:

From the antenna, 10" away I use a 20db catv amp then 40ft cable into the shack to a home made panel with a chassis mount tv type "F" fitting on the input, the panel is 3" wide by 16" long.

I have 12 BNC chassis mount fittings that are all wired in parall from the center pins to the "F" fitting.

The panel itself is the sheild side.

My input signal to output signal (reciever) is ther same.

Been using this setup for over 8 years and never missed a beat.
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Premium Subscriber
Aug 14, 2006
Clark County, NV.
First off, you have to realize that on the standard CATV splitter there is a loss factor between input and out put.

On a 2 port splitter, you are divideing in half, the input signal, now on a three output you have half the input signal going to one port and then for each of the next two ports, each port is double the loss.

Loss on outputs, 2 port splitters are 3db each port, three way is 3db to one port and 7db to the other two, 4 way is 7db to each port and the big one, 8 way splitter is a big 11db to each port. (10 in, -1 out)

EXAMPLE: input signal is 10, output on a two way is 5 to each port. On a three way the out put is 5 to one port and then 3 to the other two.

On a 4 way, each out put has the same loss facter which is big. (called DB loss) It is 7db

Soo..10 going into the slpitter and on each of the 4 outputs you will see a 3.

As for the Stridsberg, at over three hundred dollors, I can come up with a whole lot better solution.

I run muliple recievers and I use the following:

From the antenna, 10" away I use a 20db catv amp then 40ft cable into the shack to a home made panel with a chassis mount tv type "F" fitting on the input, the panel is 3" wide by 16" long.

I have 12 BNC chassis mount fittings that are all wired in parall from the center pins to the "F" fitting.

The panel itself is the sheild side.

My input signal to output signal (reciever) is ther same.

Been using this setup for over 8 years and never missed a beat.

Thanks for all that info, I'm glad your setup is working for you. Could you post a picture? How exactly did you measure input and output do you have test equipment? My other concern is port isolation. There's a long list of comments here about splitters and using one antenna for many scanners. I have read it all. With my setup doing the math I figure my scanners only get 1/4 or less of the signal coming in from the antenna. That Stridsberg seems to be the answer based on what others are saying here. I'm trying to get specific info from people that use them. Thank you again for trying to save me money and time I appreciate that.


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Dec 16, 2000
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The same is going to hold true for the 8-port Stridsberg.

Short version:
TV drop-amps typically have too much gain to the point it will impact the decode quality of P25 or control channel decoding. They also do not cover the same spectrum as the Stridsberg. If you just want one for analog and you're receiving within 120-900(ish) then have at it with a drop-amp.
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