Does anyone out there listen to Medford police on a regular basis? Does anyone else notice that their dispatch has the most horrible audio ever heard out of a two way radio! There is more back ground noise and feed back coming from that dispatch center than anything. The dispatchers continously undermodulated, overmodulate, and when they unkey the mic there is a loud clunk everytime. When they transmit on their old conventional channel the back ground noise is not as bad but it's there still and so is the clunking mic. I hear officers tell the dispatch all the time that they are unreadable so its no just on my end. I've also monitored they system with a system radio and its just as bad. All the mobile units sound fine and so does central dispatch, fire and all other users of the system. It's not like I can call and complain (so I'll complain here) but for $500,000 a year in tax payer money to float a 911 dispatch center for the township you think they would get some decent equipment or train their dispatchers on the proper use of a microphone and attached radio system.