Dumb question everyone....in regards to DMR - Do I simply just purchase the upgrade for my 536 and then import the RR channels? Anything special you have to setup or KNOW for the DMR systems that is unique to other Trunking Systems?
To add a bit to what Tom, nd5y, said, the database information that
is there does not always correctly download to the scanners.
Case in point:
Take a look at this system.
Southwest Airlines: Dallas Love Field Trunking System, Dallas, Texas - Scanner Frequencies
In the database, if you go to the site details,
Love Field Site Details (Southwest Airlines: Dallas Love Field) , you'll see Color Code 7 listed in the description fields. But below those, in the LCN/LSN information, the Color Code is blank. So, if that system is appended to a Favorites List, the Color Codes come across as "Search" instead of being set to 7. (I submitted a request to correct that, if possible.)
Now, that might not be a deal breaker in some areas, but here in Dallas County, it does not seem to work well. The reason is that all of the system frequencies are also used by one or more (some 3 and up) users in the county. I think that multiple use of the same frequency, by other entities using MotoTRBO, has a negative affect in trying to trunk track this system.
Also, as Tom noted, many of these TRBO systems have not been identified and mapped out. What I have been doing is to enter the frequencies for a given licensee & location as conventional frequies, but set to NAC/Color Code search. I them log activity with ProScan. That tells me if the frequency is used simply as DMR (a straight conventional type mode), or as part of a trunked system. If part of a system, you'll see CAP, CON, or DT3, along with the slot number & TGID used. I suspect that there are a great many more systems in use that what has been documented so far.