The "1J" reference (an internal designation for the doors inside the units) is the Clark County Detention Center as I suspected based on the numbering chosen for the TG itself, it fits right into that. By "Clark County" I didn't mean public works, I meant that some of the law enforcement side of Clark County is also on the 700 MHz system that the LVMPD dominates but isn't totally used for. The 10103 is almost absolutely CCDC related, just can't say for certain which particular which specific unit it might be, perhaps someone else is more knowledgeable about the layout of the facility.
The other one, the 10106, is more than likely the Regional Justice Center (even without a sample to work from so far) and could be related to the janitorial or maintenance staffing, perhaps. Yes I'm just speculating so I'll fire up OP25 and see if I get any hits on those TGIDs today, might get lucky.