Metro Richmond TRS PD Pursuit Channel

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Sep 23, 2005
Richmond, VA
While listening to an incident tonight in RPD's 1st Pct., I noticed something interesting that I figured someone may be able to further explain. As units responded, 1st pct dispatcher advised units to switch to the "pursuit channel" since Henrico units were responding to the call as well. I expected traffic to start coming across on TG 20288 "PD Pursuit", but there wasn't a peep. Most traffic was on RPD Ch. 1 and HPD North. The interesting thing though, is that the dispatcher on North appeared to be from RPD because RPD units advised they would be switching back to Ch. 1 as the incident wound down (ex: 113 going back to 1.) and Henrico units always used " Henrcio" as a prefix when beginning a transmission. ("Henrico Unit 412, could I have a Richmond detective responnd to my location? ") The voice seemed identical to that of the female dispatcher on RPD 1 at the time. It seems to me if it were a Henrico Disp. on North, then RPD units would identify as such rather than Henrico doing so. I'm assuming this was a patch, but from what TG? No other TG's carried traffic relating to the incident besides RPD 1, RPD SEU 1, and HPD North. Does anyone have a wilcard set for the system that may have caught a new TG not currently in the DB?

Thanks, and sorry for the long-winded explanation.


Feb 12, 2005
Hanover County, VA
From what I understand, the Regional Pursuit channel is used as a target for all the patches from multiple jurisdictions. This makes the process of linking talkgroups a little simpler. Instead of having to make phone calls between jurisdictions to coordinate which channels need to be patched and which don't, each dispatcher just links the necessary talkgroups with the pursuit channel. This makes mutual aid situations a little easier on the officers - they can stay on their home talkgroup and be automatically patched with others without having to switch zones on their radios.

I hope that made sense.


Feb 21, 2006
Savannah, GA
From what I understand, the Regional Pursuit channel is used as a target for all the patches from multiple jurisdictions. This makes the process of linking talkgroups a little simpler. Instead of having to make phone calls between jurisdictions to coordinate which channels need to be patched and which don't, each dispatcher just links the necessary talkgroups with the pursuit channel. This makes mutual aid situations a little easier on the officers - they can stay on their home talkgroup and be automatically patched with others without having to switch zones on their radios.

I hope that made sense.

That's outstanding. It always bothered me about an officer in pursuit having to look at his radio and switch channels or something. Perfect!
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